October 2019: Minutes

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Chairman, Mrs P Badley. 

Councillors present: 

Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Ms L Corten- Miller, Mr M Dales, Mr P Maddison and            Ms J Slaymaker 


Mr A Foster and County Councillor B Aron sent apologies saying they would be arriving late. 

2. Declaration of Interest.

Councillor M Dales declared an interest in item 9.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 11th September 2019 to be approved.

Councillors had received a copy of the minutes. It was proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr M Dales that these were accepted, all voted in favour. They were signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising. 

  The picker uppers and bags had been organized for the litter pick on 12th October.  Other matters arising will be dealt with under the relevant headings.

5. Highway Issues.

The salt which had been delivered by LCC was still being stored by Cllrs. It had been checked and had not started to disintegrate but needed to be covered and stored at a permanent location. A Cllr said he could move it when required. 

Cllr had tried to contact the local police to ask them to attend a Parish Council meeting but had not received a reply. He will keep trying.

The drains opposite the turning to Brickyard Lane which runs down to Hundleby Springs were blocked, Cllr said they needed to put a camera down to check for tree roots etc. Cllr Aron said he would report the blockage. The drain on Raithby Road near the junction with the main road is also blocked and needs attention.

Cllr Aron had had a meeting with the new Highways Officer and was going to bring him to the Village to show him the problems with parking and other highways matters. He also said that yellow lines were still being treated as low priority.

Parking at the front of the Gables was a major problem, blocking vision for residents turning onto the Main Road from the Gables. Cllr Aron said that these problems should always be reported. 

The Clerk had reported street lamp number 11 was not working and lamp number 12 was obscured by trees. LCC had dealt this.


6. Parish Rooms.

a) It had been suggested that an LED light with a sensor should replace the existing outside light over the door of the Parish Rooms, all Cllr agreed with this, the Chairman will contact the electrician and ask him to replace it, she will also ask him for an update on heaters for the Parish Rooms.

b) The Working Group had arranged a meeting with Community Lincs to discuss the possibilities for grant aid towards improvements to the Parish Rooms. They will report to the full Parish Council in due course.

c)  Environment check list. The light replacement will help the environment.

7. Village Green and Village Matters.

The shrub at the top of North Beck Lane needed pruning, Cllr advised that this should be left until the spring when the berries were finished. 

8. Finance.

a. The following cheques were presented for payment:

Mrs S Hendy, Clerk’s salary and expenses £112.26

HMRC, tax on Clerk‘s salary £27.50

Tongs, cleaning materials £35.84

R M Holmes, mowing 18.06.19-16.09.19 £127.09

E-on (paid by direct debit) £14.68 for the September account. 

b. The balances in the bank were; £6328.25 in the Treasures Account and £2740.44 in the Business Bank Instant Account. 

9. Planning.

The Clerk had received a letter regarding an application to trim some trees at 5 The Gables, Cllrs decided they had no objections and would be happy to leave the decision to the Tree Officer. The Clerk will notify ELDC.

A Parishioner had written a letter of complaint about the Parish Council informing the  Enforcement department at ELDC about rubbish in a field on Raithby Hill. The Cllrs discussed this and asked the Clerk to reply, telling the Parishioner that they had no powers over such issues, all complaints received by the Parish Council had to be passed to ELDC for investigation.

10. Allotments.

The Clerk reported that the allotment rent had been received from the outgoing tenant of the allotment paddock. Cllr had been in touch with the new tenant and he was happy to take over the paddock. The new contract had been prepared and it would be signed at the weekend and the advance rent paid. The new tenant was happy to clear the site, the Parish Council voted to provide a skip for the rubbish. 

11. New starting time for Parish Council meetings.

Councillors discussed this and decided that they would continue to meet at 7.30. They thought that an earlier time would not always be convenient for working Cllrs or visitors who wished to attend.

12. Carols round the tree.

Cllr informed the Parish Council that they would take place during week commencing 16th December. The musicians had been contacted and will arrange the date.

13. Correspondence.

No correspondence had been received this month.

14. Any other business.

Cllr reported that there was a new regular booking for the Parish Rooms and asked if it would be possible to provide them with a key. Cllrs were happy to provide this.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


The next meeting will be on Monday 4th November at 7.30pm.