May 2019: Minutes

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Councillors present: Mrs P Badley, Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker. 

County Councillor B Aron also attended the meeting, he apologised for being late. 

1. Apologies. 

Apologies were received from Mr A Foster who had a previous engagement and District Councillor W Grover who had to attend another meeting. 

2. Declaration of Interest. 

There were no interests to declare. 

3. Appointment of Chairman 

Cllr P Maddison proposed Cllr P Badley for the role of Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr D Cartwright. All Cllrs voted in favour. Cllr P Badley was duly elected. Cllr Badley was thanked for her work as Chairman. 

4. Appointment of Vice Chairman. 

Cllr M Dales proposed Cllr J Slaymaker as Vice Chairman, seconded by Cllr M Badley. All Cllrs voted in favour. 

5. Declarations of Acceptance and register of interests. 

These forms were distributed to the Councillors for signing. 

6. Sub committees and appointment of members. 

A. Planning: Chairman, Cllr A Foster, Committee Cllrs P Badley D Cartwright, P Maddison and J Slaymaker. 

B. Allotments: Chairman M Dales, Committee, Cllrs D Cartwright and A Foster. 

C. Christmas Trees: Cllrs M Dales, D Cartwright, P Maddison and J Slaymaker, 

Cllr A Foster is managing the Parish Council website. 

7. Re-adoption of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. 

It was proposed by Cllr M Badley and seconded by Cllr M Dales that the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were re- adopted. All voted in favour of this. 

8. Minutes. 

The minutes of the last meeting had already been circulated to the Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr D Cartwright and seconded by Cllr P Maddison that these were accepted. they were signed by the Chairman. 

9. Matters Arising. 

At last month’s meeting ELDC had sent a letter regarding a request for some trees to be removed at a property in Milners Lane. A Cllr had inspected the trees and notified ELDC that the Parish Council had no objections. 

Cllr Aron wished to know where the grit bin at Hundleby Springs was to be sited. Cllrs agreed it should be put against the wire fence next to the Anglian Water building. Cllrs also asked if two further bins could be purchased by the Parish Council and be sited at Bowmans Ridge and North Beck Lane. Approval for the siting of these will need be obtained from LCC-enquiries tobe made before purchase. 

10. Highway Issues. 

Councillors had walked through the Village before the meeting to decide where they thought double yellow lines would be most useful in helping to alleviate the parking problems. They gave a copy of their suggestions to Cllr Aron who will present it to the Highways department at LCC. Cllr Aron said that the Highways Officer at LCC had now retired, a new Officer will start work in September. 

11. Parish Rooms. 

a. General. 

It had been reported that the water heater in the kitchen was making strange noises. Cllr turned it on and there didn’t appear to be any problem with it heating the water. 

The fire door has now been finished. 

The cleaner has been authorised to purchase a new cobweb brush. 

12. Village Green and Village Matters. 

It was reported that a tree at the top of North Beck Lane needed trimming. Cllr will deal with this. 

13. Finance. 

a. The following cheques were presented for payment: 

Darrell Bache 752.00 cost of new fire door. 

Zurich Insurance 499.30 insurance 2019/20. 

L.A.C. 30.00 cutting the hedge at the allotments. 

b. The balances in the bank were; £7269.06 in the Treasures Account and £2739.98 in the Business Bank Instant Account. The precept of £2268.00 had been received. 

c. The Annual Accounts had been audited by the internal auditor; these been circulated to the Councillors. These were approved, proposed by Cllr M Badley, and seconded by Cllr P Maddison. All Cllrs voted to accept these accounts. The Chairman signed the account documents and the relevant forms will be sent to the external auditor. 

14. Planning. 

The Clerk had written again to ELDC regarding the rubbish at Raithby Hill. The Enforcement Officer replied, saying “the developer had confirmed that the materials had been put there by him and were not a result of fly tipping”. The Enforcement Officer said she was still waiting for a reply from their recent letter to the developer and would notify the Parish Council as soon as she had more information. The Clerk was asked to write again to inform ELDC that the waste was not materials but rubbish which should have been disposed of correctly and to ask them to investigate further. 

15. Allotments. 

The Clerk had written again to Mr Dennett regarding the gate at the allotment. He has now concreted the hole for the gate post. 

It was reported that a resident was parking a vehicle on the road to the allotments. Cllr suggested that a new lock, with a code to open it, was 

purchased, this would prevent this happening. Official users of this road could be given the code to unlock the gate. Cllrs approved this idea. 

16. Correspondence. 

There had been no correspondence this month 

17.Heating Parish Rooms. 

The electrical contractor had been coming to the meeting to discuss the background heating in the Parish Rooms. He had been unable to attend; the Chairman will contact him again and ask if he can come to the next meeting. 

18. Co option of new Parish Councillor. 

The Clerk will contact the election department at ELDC and ask if there was a notice to advertise the vacancy for a Parish Councillor. The Clerk will do this and put a notice on the notice board. 

18. Any other business. 

Cllr Aron said that LCC’s carbon reduction consultation was going well. He also reported that 30,000 visitors had been to see the moon exhibition (this will finish in 2 weeks. The Dam Busters exhibition was also well attended. 

The Chairman thanked Cllr Aron for attending the Parish Council meetings and for his help and support. 

There was no further business to discuss. 

The meeting closed at 9.00pm. 

The next meeting will be on Monday 3th June 2018 at 7.30pm.