July 2019: Minutes
Councillors present: Mrs P Badley, Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker (who apologised for arriving late).
County Councillor B Aron also attended the meeting.
One member of the public attended the meeting.
District Councillor W Grover sent his apologies, he had to attend another meeting.
1. Declaration of Interest. Cllr Cartwright declared an interest in item 8a, the letter received from a parishioner.
2. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 3rd June 2019 to be approved. Councillors had received a copy of these minutes. It was proposed by Cllr D Cartwright and seconded by Cllr P Maddison that these were accepted. They were signed by the Chairman.
3. Matters Arising. All matters arising will be dealt with under the relevant headings.
4. Co-option of a Parish Councillor. Lynette Corten-Miller had applied for the position of Parish Councillor which had been advertised in the village. She left the room while a discussion took place between Councillors. Following this discussion, it was proposed by Cllr M Badley and seconded by Cllr A Foster that Ms Corten-Miller was offered the position. All Cllrs voted in favour of this. Cllr Corten- Miller was then welcomed by the Chairman as a member of the Parish Council after she was invited to return to the meeting.
6. Highway Issues. It was reported that the parking in front of the gates to the allotment and the adjoining field had still not improved and the cones on the road in front of no 15 had still not been removed. Cllr Aron said it would be 6 weeks before the new Highways Officer took up the post but he would try and help solve the problem. It was suggested that another meeting should be arranged with the police, Cllr will try and arrange this. In the meantime, the Cllr will write to the Police Community Officer. The siting of grit bins in the Village was discussed again, Cllr Aron said he would try and find out the criteria for siting the bins and contact the Clerk when he had any information. Cllr Aron said that the new joint premises for the Lincoln emergency services was now in operation for the ambulance and fire services and the police would be joining them in the autumn. The Chairman thanked Cllr Aron for his assistance and for attending the meeting.
7. Parish Rooms.
The background heating was still being investigated by the electrician; he will report back when he has any information. A Parishioner had contacted the Clerk with some issues regarding the kitchen at the Parish Rooms. Cllrs went to the kitchen to check on these items and decided on the following actions:
The mop and bucket are currently kept in the kitchen so it is readily available for hirers of the hall to use. It was suggested that they should be removed and put in the passage to the gent’s toilet. Following some functions, the Parish Rooms have not been left in a clean condition even though hirers are supposed to leave the rooms in a clean condition as a condition of hiring. The Booking Clerk will be asked to send a copy of bookings to date to the next meeting to enable Cllrs to check whether all regular hirers are cleaning up. A copy of the hire agreement will also be checked. This will be put on the agenda for the next meeting. The Chairman can then ask the cleaner, (who cleans the Rooms monthly), if she could vary her times or perhaps come more often. The Parishioner said that the counter top in front of the hatch is too high, Cllr Cartwright proposed that this was removed and the hatch was altered, with fold back doors to allow the kitchen to be closed or ventilated. Cllr Corten-Miller seconded this; all Cllrs voted in favour. A Cllr will contact the builder and ask for a quote. The water boiler had been checked and was found to be in order. Cllrs thought the problem with water coming in the window was due to the exceptional rainfall but would be monitored. The suggestion regarding the cups, saucers and glasses will be investigated by a Cllr who will report back at the next meeting. Finally, Cllr suggested that the chairs in the Parish Rooms could be replaced. This will also be put on the agenda for the next meeting. 8. Village Green and Village Matters. The date for a litter pick will be discussed at the next meeting.
9. Finance. a. The following cheques were presented for payment: Clerk’s salary and expenses for the quarter to 30th June 2019 £174.50 HM Revenue and Customs, tax on Clerk’s salary £ 27.50 b. The balances in the bank were £5768.66 in the Treasurers Account and £2740.21 in the Business Bank Instant Account.
10. Planning.
N/088/00946/19 An application for planning permission for putting up boundary walls and fences, including a gate, at Kingswood, Main Road. Cllrs said that the original planning application had said that the hedges should be retained.
EC/165/00350/19 The Planning Enforcement Office notified the Parish Council that no action was required at the moment. The owner will be notified that if circumstances change it will be reassessed.
N/088/00999/19 This application had been withdrawn.
EC/137/00540/18 Land at Raithby Hill, change of use for storage of inert materials and building materials. The District Council decided they will not pursue this matter further due to costs. The owner has been told to clear the site as it was unacceptable to leave it in an untidy state.
A Cllr had contacted the Environment Agency and detailed the problems, telling them it was agricultural land so should not be used for storage. He will be contacted by the agency when they have investigated.
N/088/01127/19 A planning application had been made for Plot 3 Raithby Hill, for building a large house. Cllrs said they would support it on the condition that the boundary hedge was retained.
N/088/00129/19 Southwold, Milners Lane. Outline planning permission had been applied for to divide the plot to build an extra dwelling. Cllr will check that permission was granted to remove 2 trees on the plot. Councillors voted to oppose the application – 2 support, 3 against and 1 abstention — comment to be made is that this will be change of use of the plot and on an unadopted road.
11. Allotments.
The Parishioners who rented the paddock on the allotment had written to the Clerk to inform the Parish Council that they had moved and were no longer using the paddock but would like the purchaser of their house to takeover the contract for the paddock. However, their contract (which expires in October 2021) does not allow them to sublet or allow any livestock, other than their own, on the paddock. The contract also states that it must be kept clear of ragwort and docks but both are growing on the paddock. The Clerk will write to the tenant and ask them to send a letter relinquishing the paddock and pay their rent to that date. The rental is £240 pa. They will also be asked to clear the docks and ragwort and remove an electric fence which is still in situ. Cllr suggested that for future tenancies of the paddock the rent be paid in advance.
12. Correspondence. There had been no correspondence this month.
13. Any other business. The PAT test is due in July. Cllr will arrange this.
The meeting closed at 10pm.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 7.30pm.