December 2019: Minutes
In the Chair
Mrs. P Badley
Councillors present:
Mr. M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Ms. L Corten- Miller, Mr. M Dales, Mr. A Foster, Mr. P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker.
County Councillor B Aron also attended the meeting.
There were no apologies.
2. Declaration of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on the 4th November 2019 to be approved.
Councillors had already received a copy of the minutes. Following an alteration to item 3, which should have recorded that Cllr Dales had declared an interest in item 12, it was proposed by Cllr L Corten-Miller and seconded by Cllr P Maddison that these were accepted, all voted in favour. They were signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising.
The roof of the Parish Rooms has been repaired, however, the builder reported that some felt was damaged and would need replacing for approx. 2ft all-round the roof.
The stored salt had not yet been removed; it was suggested that local landowners might be willing to site a salt bin on their property at North Beck Lane. Cllr will research the bins available and send details to the landowners for approval.
5. Highway Issues.
The car which had been blocking the gates to the allotments and the field had been reported to the police, the Parish Council were informed that the vehicle’s owner had been issued with a penalty notice.
The Clerk and a Cllr had both reported that 3 street lights were not working, LCC had dealt with this.
It was suggested that the LCC website ,‘fix my street’should be checked before Parish Council meetings to see if any issues had been reported. The Clerk will do this and it will be put on the agenda as an item under Highways.
The road at Hundleby Springs had been flooded during a recent spell of bad weather, causing one motorist to break down, other road users had to go onto the path to try and avoid some of the flood waters. The flooding had been caused by blocked drains, the worst one being on Raithby Road. Cllr Aron had already reported this to the Highways Department so he will deal with it. A grill covering a drain in this area had come off and could be a danger to the public, this will also be reported.
Cllr Aron reported the gritters will be out when required until April next year, fire fighters in Lincolnshire had been given more equipment making them one of the best in the country
ELDC would be moving their headquarters from Manby to Horncastle during the next few years.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Aron for attending the Parish Council meetings and wished him a Happy Christmas.
6. Parish Rooms.
a) A hirer had asked if the Parish Council had a music licence, this was checked and the licence was in order.
The booking clerk had been asked whether a regular hirer of the Rooms can be charged at the same rate as the Village users, this was discussed and Cllrs thought it would be a good idea to help encourage regular bookings but they would not make the desision until the next meeting when hiring charges will be reviewed.
The Chairman wondered whether the Church should be asked to give a small donation for using the facilities in the Parish Rooms. It was agreed that nothing should be done at this time.
A Cllr had sorted out the crockery in the cupboards, a lot was found to be un-necessary so Cllrs thought it could be donated to a charity shop.
b) The cleaner had reported that the Parish Rooms had been left in a dirty condition by a hirer, the floor was dirty, the mop and bucket had been left in the ladies toilets full of dirty water and the kitchen sink had dirty water in it. Cllr will check who had used the hall.
c) The working party reported that they had visited halls at Old Bolingbroke, Friskney, West Ashby and Mareham le Fen to compare the facilities provided. They had prepared a report which they presented to the Cllrs. They suggested that the Parish Cllrs should have a meeting with a representative from Community Lincs, the caretaker from Old Bolingbroke, the booking secretary for the Parish Rooms and representatives for regular hirers. They also said they thought it would be advisable to send a questionaire to all Parishioners to ask how they would like the Parish Rooms to be used.
Members of the working party will attend a meeting in January for a discussion about Village Halls, the Clerk will book this, it was agreed it would be funded by the Parish Council. The Chairman thanked the Committee for their hard work.
7. Village Green and Village Matters.
There were no items to discuss this month.
8. Finance.
a. The following cheques were presented for payment:
E.J. Tong & Sons 42.49 pedal bin and liners.
C. Chadwick 110.00 roof repairs.
Mrs. P. Badley 42.70 sensor light.
Ms. J. Slaymaker 20.53 first aid items.
LALC 148.16 annual subscription.
Community Lincs 55.00 annual subscription.
b. The balances in the bank were; £6289.34 in the Treasures Account and £2740.73 in the Business Bank Instant Account.
c. A discussion took place to decide whether on not the Parish Council should join Community Lincs and LALC. It was decided that both would be beneficial, Community Lincs would be able to give help and advise regarding buildiing work, grants and funding available and LALC provided legal help and courses for Cllrs etc which could be useful. All Cllrs were in favour of this.
9. Consideration of the publishing of draft minutes, approved minutes and agendas.
Following an email from a Parishioner the Cllrs discussed this item, research had already been done and it appeared that the Parish Council should put the minutes on the website within a month of the meeting, Cllr Aron thought that these should appear on the website as notes, not draft minutes and replaced with the approved minutes after the meeting. They should then be put on the notice board. Cllr Aron will let the Parish Council know the correct procedure and it will be discussed again at the next meeting.
10. Planning.
There had been a slight alteration to the planning application for plot 3 on Raithby Hill, but it was decided that this was not enough to cause any problem.
11. Allotments.
Nothing had been resolved regarding the problem with the gate and the fencing on the allotments, the Clerk will therefore write to Waterloo Homes.
11. Carols round the tree.
The Christmas tree will be put up on 14th December ready for Carols round the tree on Thursday 19th December at 6.30.
12. Correspondence.
The Chairman of Walkers are Welcome had emailed to ask if the Parish Council would help with funding for a leaflet giving information on historic Hundleby. Cllrs said there was already a leaflet available and asked the Clerk to ask for more detail from Walkers are Welcome.
The rates department at ELDC had sent a letter asking if any details had changed regarding the ownership of the Parish Rooms. Nothing had changed and the Clerk had sent the form back.
13. Any other business.
A Cllr had been asked about a caravan parked in a field behind properties on Raithby Road. The owner of the caravan said it was going to be used as a bird watching hide. The Clerk will make enquiries to find out if planning permission is required.
There were no other items to discuss, the meeting closed at 10.10pm.
The next meeting will be on Monday 6th January 2020 at 7.30pm.