January 2019: Minutes

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Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster, Mrs D Jacklin, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker                                                                                                                                District Councillor Mr W Grover and County Councillor Mr B Aron also attended.

The Chairman opened the meeting and wished everyone a Happy New Year.

1. Apologies.

There were no apologies. 

2. Declaration of Interest.

Mr and Mrs Badley declared an interest in the planning item re tree work. 

3. Minutes.

The minutes of the last meeting, held on 5th December 2018, had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted. Proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr J Slaymaker they were duly signed by the Chairman.  

4. Matters Arising.

There had still been no response regarding the grit bins and salt, Cllr Aron will check again.

The blocked gutters had been dealt with. 

5. Parish Rooms. 

 A)  Quotes of £512.00 or £652.00, (plus £85.00 for a new window board and mouldings,) had been received for the replacement of the fire exit door. Following a discussion all Cllrs voted to accept the quote for £652.00. The Chairman had filled in a form for a grant towards the cost of the door, this was given to Cllr Grover and the Chairman thanked Cllr Grover for putting us forward for the grant.   The carpenter will be informed of the decision but advised that work cannot begin until the grant had been approved.   Cllr advised the Parish Council that one of the Parish Room hirers were having a band and had asked when the band should finish. It was decided that 11 pm would be a suitable time. 

Cllr requested use of the Parish Rooms for the annual distribution of the George Ball Fund on 4th February- this was granted.

6. Village Green and Village Matters.

Carols around the tree had been very successful, a donation had been received from Sainsburys which had kept the costs down. Cllr thanked all those who had helped with the event. He told the Parish Council that the Christmas trees on the allotment needed thinning out and a parishioner had offered to help with this. He also said that some of the tree lights would need replacing next Christmas. 

Cllr suggested that another litter pick should be arranged before the grass begins to grow again and 2nd March was decided on. Cllr will print out flyers and the Chairman will arrange for bags and litter pickers to be delivered and for the collection of the filled bags.   

7. Highways Issues.

Cllr Aron told the Parish Council that he already had some issues to raise with the Highways official when he visits Hundleby. These related to the parking problems, the overgrown footpaths and the gutters along the roadside. Cllr Aron asked if he could have a list of the footpaths most affected. He was also asked about the repair work requested for the pot holes on Church Lane, he said it was on the list to be done but was not high on the list of priorities. If any other problems arise the Clerk will email Cllr Aron. 

8. Finance.

A. The following invoices were due for payment: 

Mrs S Hendy £150.99 Clerks salary and expenses.

HMRC £27.50 Tax on Clerk’s salary.

E-on £31.21 electricity to 09/12/18 (actual)

B. Balances in the bank: Treasurers Account £4989.93  Business Bank Instant Account £2739.29 

The Clerk had worked out the current income and expenditure of the Parish Council. Cllrs discussed the financial situation at length and then a Cllr proposed that the Precept should remain at £2268.00 as it had been in the previous year, this was seconded by another Cllr and all Cllrs voted in favour of this. The Chairman signed the Precept form which will be sent off to ELDC.

9. Planning.

N/088/01730/18.  The Hundleby Inn. Planning permission for change of use of land for the siting of 8 static caravans. Full planning permission was granted.

N/088/01770/18. The Hundleby Inn. Alteration to existing public house to provide solar panels on the south and east elevations. Full planning permission was granted. 

N/088/01804/18.  Planning permission for repositioning boundary wall to provide vehicular parking area to serve 109 & 111 Main Road Hundleby. Full planning permission granted.

The planning department had sent an enquiry to ask which of the new plots at the end of the village had removed a roadside hedge. The Clerk will inform them that it was the 3rd property from the Village.

EZY/0121/18/TCA. Proposed works to trees within the Hundleby Conservation Area at 128 Main Road Hundleby. Cllrs inspected the plans and following discussion a vote was taken, 5 Cllrs voted in favour of felling the trees and 3 Cllrs abstained. The Clerk will notify the department at E L D C.


10. Police Matters.

The PCSO had been asked if there were any items of interest for the Parish Council. She replied that there was nothing to report.

A Parishioner had sent a photograph of a vehicle blocking the pavement, this had been forwarded to the PCSO. The PCSO said she will be sending a letter to the owner of the car and point out the inconvenience to pedestrians that the vehicle was causing. If the same problem occurred again a parking ticket would be issued.


11. Allotments.

A new field agreement had been signed and returned to the Parish Council.

12. Correspondence.

An email had been received requesting information about persons who were married in the Parish Church in 1817. This will be passed on to the Church Wardens.

13. Any other business.

There was no other business to discuss.

14. Date and time of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be on Monday 4th February 2019 at 7.30.


The meeting closed at 8.50 pm