Hundleby Parish Council exists to serve and represent the interests of the local community.  

It is a legal body linking local communities and governance. The Parish Council owns the Parish Rooms and the allotments.  It is made up of eight parish councillors and the Clerk.  

Councillors are elected or co-opted from the local community.  They serve in a voluntary capacity and are the decision makers.  The council employs the Clerk who is the Proper Officer and carries out the decisions.

The council has a comprehensive website displaying all its Policies. These apply to all aspects of what the council does.  People hiring the rooms or renting allotments must abide by these policies.  We respect all parts of our community.  We are committed to being open and transparent.  

Within this framework, councillors seek to work in a positive and proactive way.

The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.