November 2019: Minutes
In the Chair
Ms J Slaymaker.
Councillors present:
Dr D Cartwright, Ms. L Corten- Miller, Mr. M Dales, Mr. A Foster and Mr. P Maddison and Mr. A Foster.
County Councillor B Aron also attended the meeting.
Apologies were received from Mr. M Badley and Mrs P Badley who were away.
2. Declaration of Interest.
Cllr Dales declared an interest in item 12.
3. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7th October 2019 to be approved.
Councillors had already received a copy of the minutes. It was proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr L Corten-Miller that these were accepted, all voted in favour. They were signed by the Vice Chairman.
4. Matters Arising.
Cllr reported that the litter pick held on 12th October had been very successful. 20 people had helped and over 20 bags of rubbish had been collected. It is hoped that another litter pick will be held early next year. The Parish Council wish to thank all who attended. Some fly tipping had been reported to E L D C and this had been dealt with by them. Other matters arising will be dealt with under the relevant headings.
5. Highway Issues.
Cllr Aron had still not seen the new Highways Officer about the yellow lines. He had reported the damaged footpaths bur said it would be some time before they were repaired. It was reported that the drains and gullies were still blocked, the Clerk will send the report number to Cllr Aron so that he can follow it up.
Large stones that had been put on the verge in front of the Gables and cones on the highway had been removed by E L D C.
A car which had been blocking the gates for the allotments and the field had been reported to the police.
6. Parish Rooms.
a) Cllr reported that the Parish Rooms had been booked for the forthcoming General Election and the invoice for this had been sent to ELDC. One of the hirers of the rooms reported that rain had been coming through the roof in the ladies toilets. This was thought to be due to the extreme weather conditions. Cllr will contact a local builder and ask him to check the roof and the guttering and downpipe. The gents toilets were also blocked so the builder will be asked to deal with this at the same time. Wood on the 2 large windows of the Parish Rooms appeared to be rotting . This was not an immediate concern but will need to be investigated again in the Spring.
When Cllrs checked the water meter, they found that the area behind the Parish Rooms was very dark and decided it would be a good idea to have a sensor LED light installed here, all Cllrs were in favour of this.
b) The Working Group were in the process of collecting information from other Village Halls in the area and hoped to be able to give a report at the next meeting.
7. Village Green and Village Matters.
There was nothing to discuss this month.
8. Finance.
a. There were no bills to pay.
E-on, paid by direct debit, £28.40 (estimated) for the October account.
Wave, paid by direct debit, £51.25, estimated bill. Cllrs felt this might be a little high but checked the meter and it was found to be correct.
b. The balances in the bank were; £6429.51 in the Treasures Account and £2740.54 in the Business Bank Instant Account.
9. Planning.
There were no planning applications to discuss this month.
10. Allotments.
Cllr reported that the new contract for the allotment had been signed and the rent paid. The hirer had put up the fence, as agreed at the last Council meeting, but this had been cut down. Cllr Grover had looked (some months ago) at the problem, when a gate had been cut through onto Parish Council property. The Chairman had contacted Cllr Grover again and asked him to deal with this. If nothing is resolved before the next meeting the Council will have to contact ELDC and Waterloo Homes. This will be put on December’s agenda.
11. Carols round the tree.
The Carols round the tree will take place on Thursday 19th December at 6.30.
12. Correspondence.
The Clerk had received a letter to say that the Precept figures have to be sent in to ELDC by Monday 20th January 2020.
A Parishioner had written again regarding the problems regarding a property on Raithby Hill. This was discussed and no reply was considered necessary.
13. Any other business.
The Clerk had been asked to compare the prices and services of LALC and Community Lincs. This had been done and Cllrs looked at the figures This will be put on the agenda for next month’s meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th December at 7.30pm.