September 2019: Minutes

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Chairman, Mrs P Badley. 

Councillors present: 

Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Ms L Corten- Miller, Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster, Mr P Maddison 

County Councillor B Aron also attended the meeting. 


Apologies were received from Ms J Slaymaker, due to illness and District Councillor W Grover who had to attend another meeting. The Local PCSO also sent her apologies.

2. Declaration of Interest.

There were no interests to declare.

3. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 10th July 2019 to be approved.

Councillors had received a copy of the minutes. It was proposed by Cllr D Cartwright and seconded by Cllr A Foster that these were accepted, all voted in favour. They were signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising. 

 The PAT test had been carried out. All other matters arising will be dealt with under the relevant headings.

5. Highway Issues.

A letter had been received from the PCSO which listed the following items;

Notices had been delivered to all residents to explain about obstructive parking.

PCSO Teresa Key has liaised with the County Council parking enforcement office who should be getting more patrols through the Village.

Spilsby Town Council have been in touch with the Road Safety Partnership and it has been suggested that yellow lines may be painted on the road, (it was not clear if this referred to Spilsby or Hundleby).

A few fixed penalty notices had already been issued to vehicles causing an obstruction.

Cllr Cartwright will ask the PCSO if she can attend the next Parish Council meeting.

Emails from a Parishioner regarding the parking and speeding through the Village had been dealt with by the Chairman. 30 mph dustbin stickers had already been used by residents in Hundleby and Cllr still had a stock of these, they will be offered to anyone who requires them. 

Cllrs felt that to purchase reflective road signs (cost approx. £2000) was not something they wished to do as speeding motorists would be aware that no action could be taken and these signs were investigated some time ago and found to be too expensive and they were not a one off purchase but required upkeep.

Following discussion, it was decided to apply for some new 30mph signs to put on the lamp posts to replace the old ones. 

Speed guns operated by villagers were being tried in some other areas but it was felt that these could open the user to abuse and it was not something to proceed with at this time.

Cllr Aron said that he had a meeting with the new highway’s manager and would raise the painting of yellow lines, parking on the pavement and painting the speed limit at intervals on the road and other highway issues raised by Hundleby Parish council, but he said items such as the yellow lines would be low priority.  The Parish Council asked Cllr Aron to request that the yellow line painting receive greater priority.

The Clerk had received a phone call complaining about the overgrown footpath from Hundleby to Laundry Lane, walkers were having to walk on the road instead of the pavement.

Although a large bag of salt had been delivered, the Parish Council had not received any grit bins.  LCC had not approved the sites requested by the Parish Council because they said the locations were too close to the Main Road which was already gritted by LCC.  The Parish Council pointed out that the requested salt was for the gritting of pavements which are not gritted by LCC.

An email from LCC said that new contractors had been appointed for road maintenance from 1st April 2020.

Cllr Aron said that after the next executive meeting at LCC the County Council will be paperless.

Cllr Aron was thanked by the Chairman for attending the meeting.

7. Parish Rooms.

Cllr had brought the list of hirers to the meeting but it was not clear who was leaving the Parish Rooms in an untidy state. It was not thought that regular hirers were the problem  but it was suggested that it could be private hirers. If anyone was not happy with the condition of the Rooms, they were asked to report it immediately. The Chairman had spoken to the cleaner, who cleans the room once a month at the moment, and she would be willing to clean at other times if required.

Cllr had asked a local builder for a quote to alter the hatch in the Parish Rooms and other Cllrs had investigated the purchase of mugs and chairs. Following a discussion, it was decided to set up a working party to check the Parish Rooms and find out if any other work/equipment were required, the Parish Council could then fully discuss any recommendations brought forward by the working party.  If it is decided to proceed with any improvements then available grants may have to be investigated. The working party will be Cllrs Cartwright, Corten- Miller and Slaymaker who will report back to the Parish Council in due course.   District Cllr Grover had informed the Parish Council that ELDC grant was available, the Clerk will contact Cllr Grover and ask for an application form. 

A Cllr voiced his concern that the Church, where pews had been removed, might be used for some functions previously held in the Parish Rooms, Cllr will investigate. 

8. Village Green and Village Matters.

 The litter pick will take place on Saturday 12th October at 10 o’clock. The Chairman will arrange for bags and litter pickers to be delivered and for the collection of rubbish.  

9. Finance.

a. The following cheques were presented for payment:

E L D C, election costs £48.50

Tongs, padlock for notice board £3.49

AD PAT Test £30.00

Wave (direct debit) to 14th July 2019 £41.56

E-on (paid by direct debit) July £22.42 and £10.95 August account  

b. The balances in the bank were; £5962.73 in the Treasures Account and £2740.32 in the Business Bank Instant Account. 

10. Planning.

Retrospective planning permission had been given to properties at the new development on Raithby Hill re walls and hedges.

Outline planning permission for a new property at Milners Lane had been refused.

The Clerk had received an email from ELDC notifying the Parish Council that a Parishioner in North Beck lane wished to cut back a tree in his garden which is in the Hundleby Conservation Area. Cllrs had no objections to this.

Some efforts had been made to reduce the rubbish at the property on Raithby Hill. The enforcement officer will check this again after 27th August and notify the Parish Council.

11. Allotments.

Following emails from the Clerk and a phone call from a Cllr, the tenant of the paddock had now written to the Parish Council to give notice that she no longer wished to rent the paddock. The ragwort had been topped to stop it seeding but the roots still remain. The person who rents the rest of the allotments wished to take over the paddock and plough and cultivate it. Cllr advised the Parish Council to accept this offer. Cllr had informed the hirer that, should he give up the ground, he would need to reseed it with grass. The hirer also asked if he could remove a wooden fence between the 2 areas of ground, he would keep the fencing and re-instate it if he no longer rented the land - this was agreed.  It was suggested that some of this fence could be used to block the gap in the fence to a Council property and so help prevent a motorbike being brought onto the allotment. 

It was decided that, in future, the rent for the paddock should be paid in advance instead of arrears. These changes were approved by all Parish Councillors, proposed by Cllr M Badley and seconded by Cllr Foster. The paddock contract will be amended to show these alterations. 

12. Correspondence.

The Clerk had been notified that some areas of footpath had not yet received their 3rd cut. Cllr hoped these will be cut before the litter pick.   



13. Any other business.

It was suggested that Parish Council meetings could begin at 7 o’clock instead of 7.30 this will be put on the agenda for discussion next month.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


The next meeting will be on Monday 7th October 2019 at 7.30pm.