April 2019: Minutes
Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr A Foster, and Mr P Maddison.
County Councillor Mr B Aron also attended the meeting.
1. Apologies.
Apologies were received from Mr M Dales, who had to attend another meeting and Ms J Slaymaker who was on holiday. These were accepted.
2. Declaration of Interest.
There were no interests to declare.
3. Minutes.
The minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th March 2019 had already been circulated to the Councillors, they were accepted by all Cllrs. Proposed by Councillor P Maddison and seconded by Councillor D Cartwright. They were duly signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising from the minutes, all items to be dealt with under the relevant agenda items.
5. Parish Rooms.
a) The new fire door has been fitted and tested. It still has to be given a top coat of paint. Cllr will remove the old door from the Parish Rooms.
Cllr reported that a potential booking had been refused by the Booking Secretary. The hirer was only 16 years old and the guests would be the same age or younger, there would be no adult supervision. The Cllrs agreed with this decision and thanked the Booking Secretary. Cllrs said that if a similar problem arose the Booking Secretary should again be mindful that an adult must be responsible for any booking and be in attendance if there were minors present.
6. Village Green and Village Matters.
The Chairman said how nice the daffodils were looking in the Village. There were no items to discuss.
7. Highways Issues.
The grit bins had still not been delivered. Cllr Aron will look into the matter.
It had been noted that the pot holes on North Beck Lane had been filled in but those on Church Lane had not been dealt with, Cllr Aron said that they were a low priority and would hopefully be filled in during the next few weeks.
Cllrs discussed the positioning of double yellow lines in the Village, however they decided that they would meet an hour earlier for the next meeting and walk through the Village to see where the worse problems were.
Cllr Aron told the Parish Council that Cllr A Ratcliff was retiring. His successor had not yet been chosen.
8. Finance.
A. The following invoices were due for payment:
Mrs S Hendy £222.00 Clerk’s salary and expenses.
HM Revenue and Customs £27.50 Tax on Clerks salary.
E-On £39.96 Electricity to 02/03/19 (actual)
Mr R M Holmes £42.00 Grass cutting to 28.03.19
B. Balances in the bank: Treasurers Account £4992.08 Business Bank Instant Account £2739.87
9. Planning.
EC/088/00002/19. Plot 3 Main Road, Hundleby. The Parish Council had been informed that the high fence erected at this property had now been reduced so the problem had been resolved. The Chairman said that she was disappointed that ELDC had not checked the original outline plan for this whole development when granting individual plot applications for full planning permission. The outline planning permission stated that the original hedge along the boundary with the main road must remain but this condition was not transferred to all the individual full applications and therefore resulted in the old hedge being removed in most plots.
EC/088/00159/19. Plot at Oak Lodge Main Road. The Parish Council were told that planning permission was required for the summer house erected on this plot. ELDC were following this up.
EC/088/00664/18. 66 Main Road. Creation of access. Planning permission had now been granted.
N/088/00127/19 64 Main Road. Planning permission has been granted for an extension and a detached garage.
The Clerk was asked to contact E L D C for an update regarding the rubbish being stored on the plot at Raithby Hill.
Details had been received showing proposed tree work to be carried out at Southwold, Milners Lane. Cllr will investigate and report their opinion to ELDC tree department.
10. Police Matters.
No police report had been received, this item will be removed from the agenda
11. Allotments.
The Clerk had written to the farmer regarding the gate to the allotments but no reply had been received. The Clerk was asked to send another copy of the letter in case the original had been lost in the post.
12. Correspondence.
L C C had sent a copy of their lighting policy.
A letter had been received from E-On informing the Parish Council that their fixed rate contract was coming to an end. The Clerk will copy this letter and give it to a Cllr to enable him to check out the best prices available.
13. Heating the Parish Rooms.
Cllrs had investigated the different types of heating which could be used to give background heating for the Parish Rooms. LPG gas, mains gas and solar heating were ruled out as being too expensive. The Chairman had spoken to a local electrician who recommended electric panel heaters with thermostats. These heaters could be fitted high on the wall and fitted with tamper proof thermostats so that hirers could not alter them. Three heaters would be required at a cost of approx. £142.00 each. It was suggested that the electrician was asked to attend a meeting to discuss the best way forward and the running costs etc. The Chairman will arrange this.
14. Any other Business.
Cllr Aron told the Parish Council that the Moon exhibition held near the Usher Gallery had attracted 28,000 visitors so far, the exhibition does not finish until 28th April. Cllr Aron also said that there were ongoing discussions regarding events to be held at the Usher Gallery.
There was no other business to discuss.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 6.30 at the top of Masonic Lane when Cllrs will assemble to walk through the Village to check on the parking.
The Annual general meeting will be held in the Parish Rooms at 7.30
The meeting closed at 9.00 pm