February 2019: Minutes
Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster, Mrs D Jacklin, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker District Councillor Mr W Grover and County Councillor Mr B Aron also attended.
1. Apologies.
All Councillors attended the meeting.
2. Declaration of Interest.
There were no interests to declare.
3. Minutes.
The minutes of the last meeting, held on 7th January 2019 had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted by all Cllrs. Proposed by D Cartwright and seconded by D Jacklin. They were duly signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising.
The sand and grit had been delivered and Cllr Aron said that the grit bins should be put on the requested sites within the next two weeks. He said that the delivery had been delayed because the department had been waiting for a new order of bins. He informed the Parish Council that the Highways department would be responsible for filling the bins.
The contractor who had cleared the guttering at the Parish Rooms had said he would not be charging for his services. The Clerk was asked to write and thank him.
5. Parish Rooms.
One of the Cllrs had spoken to the contractor who was replacing the door at the Parish Rooms and told him that work could not commence until the grant had been received by the Parish Council.
It was suggested that the Parish Council send a gift to the booking secretary, who does not charge the Parish Council for this service, to thank her for the work she had done. The Clerk will purchase a garden voucher.
It had been reported that the cupboard in the Parish Rooms where the tables were kept was smelling musty. A Cllr had investigated and thought that the problem was caused by condensation, it was suggested that the door should be left open in future.
6. Village Green and Village Matters.
The Chairman had organised the delivery of the grabbers and bags for the litter pick on 2nd March. Cllr had prepared the flyer advertising the event and would deliver them to homes in the Village. Tea and biscuits will be served in the Parish Rooms afterwards. Cllrs were hopeful that if enough people supported this project, they would be able to go further afield and perhaps surrounding Parishes might be encouraged to have their own litter picks.
A parishioner had complained to a Cllr about dog fouling between Milners Lane and the A16 bypass. The Clerk will contact the Dog Warden at E L D C.
7. Highways Issues.
Cllr Aron asked if there were any further issues to be discussed with the official from the Highways Department at the end of the month.
He informed the Cllrs that the Highway contracts would be up for renewal in 2020 and the job would be put out to tender.
He also said that there was a proposed increase in the Highways budget of 4.9%, this would be ratified by the full council in due course.
8. Finance.
A. The following invoices were due for payment:
Mrs J Boyall £192.00 Cleaning the Parish Rooms Jan-Dec 2018
Wave £51.31 Water bill to 15.01.19
E-on £32.36 Electricity to 10/01/19 (estimated)
B. Balances in the bank: Treasurers Account £4898.56 Business Bank Instant Account £2739.53.
The Clerk had been notified by ELDC that the Precept application had been received.
9. Planning.
N/088/00127/19. The owner of 64 Main Road Hundleby had applied for planning permission to erect a single storey extension to the existing dwelling and for a detached garage on the site of the existing garage, which is to be removed. Cllrs discussed this and nobody had any objections to the plan.
N/137/02286/18. Permission had been refused for the removal of condition 2 on the holiday cottage adjacent to Raithby Organics, Raithby Hill, Hundleby. This means that the cottage cannot be used as a permanent residence, it can only be used as a holiday let.
EC/088/00664/18. Retrospective planning permission had been applied for at 66 Main Road, Hundleby. This was for the creation of an access and laying of a hard standing at the property. Following discussion, Cllrs said they had no objection to this, and felt it would help with the parking problem on Main Road.
EC/088/00059/19. Following the Parish Council’s comments on the removal of the hedge and the erection of a fence. ELDC sent notification that this would be investigated.
EC/137/00540/18. Land at Raithby Hill. The Parish Council were informed that the occupier, had decided to apply for change of use of the ground to allow him to continue putting rubbish on the site.
10. Police Matters.
The PCSO had been contacted to ask if she had anything to report regarding the Village, no reply had been received.
Neighbourhood Watch in Old Bolingbroke reported that intruders had tried to break into garden sheds. A similar incident had been reported in Hundleby.
11. Allotments.
The hedges had been cut at the side of the allotments.
12. Correspondence.
The Planning services department at LCC had written regarding the County Council’s mineral waste and planning. The Clerk will investigate the website.
13. Any other business.
Cllr Grover said that details had been sent out about this years Best Kept Village Competition. It will be put on next month’s agenda.
14. Date and time of the next meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 4th March. 2019 at 7.30.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm