June 2019: Minutes
Councillors present: Mrs P Badley, Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker.
County Councillor B Aron and District Councillor W Grover also attended the meeting. Councillor Grover apologised for being late.
One member of the public attended the meeting.
There were no apologies.
1. Declaration of Interest.
There were no interests to declare.
2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, held on 15th May had been circulated to the Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr D Cartwright that these were approved. They were signed by the Chairman.
3.Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising from these minutes.
4. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 15th May 2019 to be approved.
Councillors had received a copy of these minutes. It was proposed by Cllr D Cartwright and seconded by Cllr P Maddison that these were accepted. they were signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters Arising.
These will be dealt with under the relevant headings.
6. Co-option of a Parish Councillor.
No one had applied for this vacancy.
7. Highway Issues.
Councillor Aron had submitted the plan drawn up by the Parish Council to the Highway’s Department. The plan showed some proposed sites within the village for parking prohibition / restriction. He said that it might be a slow process owing to the backlog of work. Cllr Aron was asked to remind the department that Highways Officers had already visited the site and agreed that the matter should be dealt with as soon as possible.
It was reported that vehicles were parking at the entrances to the allotments and to the field which was causing severe difficulties for the users of these entrances. Cllr Aron will report all of these issues. He was thanked by the Chairman.
Cllr Aron said he had been informed that the issues previously reported, of pot holes at Park Avenue and the cones, will be dealt with shortly.
The Chairman asked Cllr Aron to put forward for resurfacing the footpath running from the Raithby Road turning up to the turning to Laundry Lane and then on to Mavis Enderby Crossroads. She explained that this path was used frequently on a daily basis by villagers from Hundleby, Raithby, Mavis Enderby and Spilsby. It needed resurfacing as it is in a very poor state of repair.
An email had been received from a parishioner who was concerned about the speeding traffic and also wanted some 30 mph signs along Main Road. The Chairman had replied to the parishioner’s concerns. Cllr Aron will make enquiries into the number of signs which can be displayed. A Cllr asked if there were any alternative signs which could draw motorists’ attention to the speed limit. This will also be investigated.
8. Parish Rooms.
a. General.
An email had been received from the PCC asking if they could borrow some tables and chairs for the Open Church event on the weekend of 31st August and 1st September. Councillors would be happy with this, provided the Parish Rooms had not already been booked for another function. Cllrs said that the lighter plastic chairs in the shed were the ones to be loaned, not the padded chairs in the hall. A charge would be made for any damages. Cllr will report back to the PCC.
9. Village Green and Village Matters.
A Parishioner had reported that a Villager was using a portacabin to conduct a business from the rear of the property. This was causing more traffic problems with people visiting. The Clerk was asked to report this to Enforcement at ELDC.
10. Finance.
a. The following cheque was presented for payment:
Tong’s £22.99 padlock for allotment gate.
E-On £20.73 electricity to 02.05.19 (Actual)
b. The balances in the bank were; £6040.66 in the Treasures Account and £2739.98 in the Business Bank Instant Account.
11. Planning.
The clerk had written to ELDC regarding the rubbish on Raithby Hill. She had been informed that the letter had been put on file and the Parish Council would be informed of any future developments.
Retrospective planning permission had been applied for regarding boundary walls at Harefield House and Mulberry House. Ref N/088/00852/19 and N/088/00847/19 respectively.
ELDC had emailed to ask if Parish Councils wished to be notified of planning applications and matters and they required confirmation of correct email addresses. Cllr will deal with these issues and inform ELDC that the Parish Council does wish to be notified.
12. Allotments.
The lock had been fitted to the gate at the allotments.
It had been reported to the Parish Council that a resident had cut a hole in the fence and was using the allotment road for vehicles. Cllr Grover will deal with this after visiting the site.
13. Correspondence.
There had been no correspondence this month
14. Heating Parish Rooms.
The electrical contractor attended the meeting and informed the Cllrs of the best options for providing background heat for the Parish Rooms. Cllrs discussed this at length. The contactor was asked to make enquiries about prices etc. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
15. Any other business.
A request was made for old photographs etc for the open church event. Also, for any information regarding local clubs and societies etc. Cllrs will be able to assist with this.
The meeting closed at 9.10pm.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10th July 2019 at 7.30pm.