March 2019: Minutes
Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker
County Councillor Mr B Aron also attended the meeting.
1. Apologies.
Apologies were received from Mrs D Jacklin and District Councillor Mr W Grover
2. Declaration of Interest.
There were no interests to declare.
3. Minutes.
The minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th February 2019 had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted by all Cllrs. Proposed by Councillor M Dales and seconded by Councillor D Cartwright. They were duly signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising.
The grant of £300 had been received from E L D C. Cllr will inform the joiner that he can start work on the fire door. The Clerk had written to thank Cllr Grover for arranging the grant.
The litter picking had taken place and had been very well attended this meant that a large area could be cleared. Cllr said that he hopes to repeat the litter pick later in the year.
The Clerk had contacted the dog warden to ask if the problem with dog fouling could be investigated. The dog warden had checked the Village and sent some posters to be put up.
5. Parish Rooms.
Cllr asked that heating for the Parish Rooms could be put on the agenda in April. Cllrs were asked to investigate and find prices for the various methods of heating.
6. Village Green and Village Matters.
A tree had fallen across the main road in the high winds and had been removed by ELDC.
7. Highways Issues.
A group of County Councillors and the head of the Highways Department visited the Village recently as part of a fact-finding exercise to focus on Highway problems. The group was met by a Parish Councillor in order to look at and investigate the following highway problems in Hundleby.
The problem with grass encroaching over the footpaths was on the list as it causes a considerable narrowing of the footpaths.
Cones put on the road by a villager to help secure his parking place would be reported to the police.
The grit bins will be delivered when more stocks are received.
The gulley’s had been cleared and Cllr Aron that they would now be cleared at regular intervals which would, hopefully, solve the problem with flooding.
The pot holes in Church Lane had been reported but were not a priority on the list.
The County Councillor agreed that parking on the pavement was a problem on Main Road and suggested that staggered double yellow lines might help. A Parish Councillor said he would print off a map of the road for all Cllrs so that they could each mark their suggestions for the placing of yellow lines to be discussed at the next meeting.
A Cllr said he had been approached by a Parishioner who complained about the parking in front of the Gables.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Aron and Cllr Cartwright who had accompanied the officials around the Village.
8. Finance.
A. The following invoices were due for payment:
Fire-Stop £38.04 Annual fire extinguisher check
E-on £21.98 Electricity to 02/02/19 (actual)
B. Balances in the bank: Treasurers Account £4934.54 Business Bank Instant Account £2739.64
9. Planning.
EC/088/00002/19. Plot 3 Main Road Hundleby.
The Clerk had been notified that the fence at plot 3 would be investigated. The Chairman had contacted the enforcement officer to say that the other problem reported was the removal of the hedge but the Chairman had not received any reply from the enforcement office. The Clerk will contact them again.
EC/088/00110/18. Plot at Oak Lodge Main Road. The Parish Council was informed that the caravan on the site was being used while approved building works were being carried out. This was in order so no action was necessary. Cllr reported that a summerhouse had been erected, the Clerk will contact the planning department to ask if this needs planning permission,
EC/088/00664/18. 66 Main Road. Planning permission was now being applied for under ref N/088/00016/19 and comments can now be made.
10. Police Matters.
No police report had been received.
11. Allotments.
Cllr reported that the owner of the field at the rear of the allotments was now having to use his right of way alongside the allotments. The owner was having difficulty getting his machines through the gate and Cllr had spoken to him and asked him to write to the Parish Council and inform them of this. No letter has yet been received but the gate post had been removed and then replaced in the ground after the machine had passed through. Cllrs considered this to be dangerous as the post would eventually become loose and fall out. It was suggested that the owner should put a concrete sleeve in the ground so that the post could be removed and replaced safely. The Clerk will write.
12. Correspondence.
After about thirty years’ service Councillor Diane Jacklin wrote to the Parish Council to give her resignation due to unforeseen circumstances. The Chairman and Cllrs all expressed their regret but completely understood the reasons for her decision and sent their very best wishes for the future. The Chairman said Mrs Jacklin had always been most conscientious in her service to the village and everyone agreed that she would be missed. The Clerk was asked to write and thank Mrs Jacklin.
Mrs Foster sent a letter thanking the Parish Council for the garden voucher she had been given in recognition of her continuing voluntary work as booking secretary.
Community Lincs who deal with the insurance for the Parish Council had written to say that the insurance was now being dealt with directly by Zurich Insurance.
L C C had sent details of how Highways problems could be reported.
13. Best Kept Village Competition.
Cllrs discussed this but decided not to enter this year.
14. Parish Council Elections.
The Clerk had attended a meeting with E L D C and had been given the nomination papers for applications for Parish Councillors. She informed the Cllrs that nomination papers must be taken by hand to Tedder Hall and an appointment should be made for delivery. All completed nomination forms can be returned between 10am – 4pm from 12th March until 3rd April.
15. Any other Business.
There were no other items to discuss.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 7.30.
The meeting closed at 8.45 pm