December 2018: Minutes

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Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker, District Councillor Mr W Grover and County Councillor Mr B Aron also attended (Cllr Aron apologised for coming late to the meeting). One member of the public also attended.

1. Apologies.

There were apologies from Mr A Foster who had another appointment and Mrs D Jacklin was visiting her husband in hospital. These reasons were accepted. 

2. Declaration of Interest.

No one had interests to declare.

3. Minutes.

The minutes of the last meeting had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted. Proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr J Slaymaker, they were duly signed by the Chairman.  

4. Matters Arising.

The Clerk had contacted LCC to ask for some more grit bins and for a bag of grit. There had been no reply so the Cllr Aron will make enquiries. All other items will be dealt with under the relevant headings.

5. Parish Rooms. 

A). A Cllr reported that the Parish Room gutters were blocked. A local builder to be contacted and  asked to clear them.

B) It had been reported that the Fire door at the Parish Rooms was not shutting properly and was in need of replacement, Cllr will ask a local joiner for a quote to have it replaced. Cllr Grover told the Parish Council that a grant was available to help with the cost of this. The Chairman thanked Cllr Grover and said she will complete the application form.

C) The Parish Council will recycle the door furniture if it is appropriate.


6. Village Green and Village Matters.

Carols around the tree will take place on Thursday 20th December at 6.30. Cllr said he hoped to put the Christmas tree up on Sunday 16th December at 9.00 and asked for volunteers to help with this.


7. Highways Issues.

The Clerk had sent contact details for the snow warden to LCC. It was reported that the drains in the Village were blocked by leaves, this problem was especially bad at Hundleby Springs. Cllr Aron said he would report this. He informed the Parish Council that gulley clearing was going to be resumed on a regular basis. which was good news. He also said that the new LCC website “fix my street” was proving to be very effective for anyone who needed to report highway faults, any reports that related to ELDC would be passed on to them. An inspection of the Village highways re parking etc was due to take place towards the end of February. He asked if the Parish Council could compile a list of problems i.e. parking etc so they could be discussed, he requested that this be done by the beginning of February. Cllr Aron also reported that verge cutting had been increased to 3 times a year instead of 2. The footpath on Raithby Hill had had the verges cut back by Highways which had widened the path. 

8. Finance.

A. The following invoices were due for payment: 

E-on £26.05 electricity to 02/11/18 (actual)

B. Balances in the bank:   Treasurers Account £4989.93   Business Bank Instant Account £2739.29 

9. Planning.

N/137/02286/18.  An application had been made by the owner of the property adjacent to Raithby Organics on Raithby Hill, to remove the planning condition that the property could only be used as a holiday let. Cllrs discussed this application and following a vote 4 Cllrs voted in favour of lifting the restriction and 2 voted against. 

EC/088/00664/18. The Parish Council was informed that the complaint about the drive had been investigated and was in breach of planning regulations. The owner had been informed of this decision and advised of the options available. The Council will be contacted again after 28 days.

EC/137/00540/18. Land at Raithby Hill (used for storing waste). The Cllrs were informed that this was a breach of planning control and the owners had been advised of their options. The Parish Council will be notified about the outcome after 28 days.

N/088/ 01730/18. Planning permission for change of use for siting 8 static caravans at the Hundleby Inn. The planning meeting is being held on 6th December. Cllr Cartwright will attend on behalf of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council had reported following a previous meeting that there were planning issues with the new development at the large houses on Raithby Hill. No reply has been sent by ELDC, the Clerk will make enquiries.

10. Police Matters.

The PCSO had been notified of the Parish Council meeting date and asked if she would be able to attend. She apologised for being unable to come to the meeting but said if there were any problems, she would be happy to deal with them.

Cllr was asked if it would be useful to hold a public meeting to discuss parking problems in the Village. However, it was felt that the parking had improved during the last few months so it was suggested that a letter could be sent to anyone who continuously caused problems with parking and point out difficulties experienced by pavement users.



11. Allotments.

The Clerk was asked to deliver the new contract to the allotment holders and ask that 1 copy be returned to the Parish Council.

12. Correspondence.

ELDC notified the Parish Council that the 2019/20 Precept figures must be returned by 21st January 2019. This will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

13. Any other business.

Cllr Grover said that he’d seen the Remembrance Day decorations put up in the Village, he congratulated the Village on their displays.  Cllr Reported that £150 had been donated to the Royal British Legion by the Church. This was from refreshments served in the Church to people who came to view these displays. Cllr Grover told Cllrs that a new Chief Executive had been appointed for ELDC. Cllrs Aron and Grover wished the Cllrs a Happy Christmas.

The Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year.

14. Date and time of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be on Monday 7th January 2019 at 7.30.


The meeting closed at 8.45 pm