November 2018: Minutes
Councillors present: Ms J Slaymaker. (in the chair), Mr M Dales, Mr A Foster and Mr P Maddison. County Councillor Mr B Aron and District Councillor Mr W Grover also attended
1. Apologies.
There were apologies from Mrs P Badley, Mr M Badley and Dr D Cartwright who were away, Mrs D Jacklin was visiting her husband in hospital. These reasons were accepted.
2. Declaration of Interest.
No one had interests to declare.
3. Minutes.
The minutes of the last meeting had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted. Proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr A Foster, they were duly signed by the Vice Chairman.
The minutes of the meeting with PC Mills, the Community Beat Manager. These were read out to Cllrs. They have been put in the minute book.
4. Matters Arising.
These will be dealt with under the relevant headings.
5. Parish Rooms.
Cllr asked that the fire door in the Parish Rooms could be put on next month’s agenda, The Cllr felt it would soon need replacing. District Councillor W Grover gave the Parish Council a Councillors’ Community Grant Application Form to apply for a grant for a new door. The form will be given to the Chairman to fill in.
6. Village Green and Village Matters.
There had been a litter pick in the Village on 20th October, it had been well attended and more litter pickers had been purchased, ELDC had been unable to provide enough. It was reported that there didn’t appear to be as much litter on this occasion.
7. Highways Issues.
Cllr had agreed to act as snow warden, he asked the Clerk to send his contact details to LCC. He also asked if the Clerk could put in a request for 3 salt bins. He suggested that the bins could be located at Hundleby Springs, the top of Northbeck Lane and 1 near the bench at Bowmans Ridge. Cllrs discussed these sites and thought that the middle of Northbeck Lane would be a better option. LCC asked for proposed locations and then they would grade the suggestions. Cllr Aron said that Cllr Richard Davis was compiling a portfolio of Villages with parking problems. Cllr Davis will visit these Villages. The Cllrs asked that Hundleby was put on his list, he thought the meeting would take place in February 2019. The street light on Raithby Hill was not working. Cllr Aron will report it. Cllr Aron asked if the drains on Raithby Hill were working correctly. There had not yet been enough rain to test the drains so Cllrs will monitor the situation. Cllrs had had reports that cones were being put out at the front of no 15 Main Road. This is not allowed so Cllr Aron will report it.
8. Finance.
A. The following invoices were due for payment:
Mrs P E Badley £259.96 litter pickers
Mrs S Foster £20.00 float for booking secretary.
E-on £11.51 electricity to 03/10/18 (actual)
Wave £51.31 water to 15/10.18
B. Balances in the bank: Treasurers Account £4894.98 Business Bank Instant Account £2739.06
9. Planning.
N/088/01718/18. Planning permission has been granted for the erection of a summer house at 110 Main Road.
N/088/01770/18. Planning permission has been requested for solar panels to be fitted at The Hundleby Inn, Main Road. This was discussed and Cllrs had no objections.
EC/088/00110/18 Plot at Oak Lodge, Main Road. The Clerk had received an e-mail regarding the siting of a caravan on the plot. It stated that no planning permission was required provided the building works were being carried out. The next site visit would at the end of January.
EC/088/00664/18. 66 Main Road, Hundleby. Following the Clerk’s correspondence last month, she had been notified that it was being investigated.
EC/137/00550540/18. The issue with rubbish on Raithby Hill has still not been resolved. Cllr suggested that a breach of planning had occurred, there was change of use on the site because the ground in question had always been agricultural land and was now being used for storage by a business. Cllr Grover will chase it up again.
10. Police Matters.
The PCSO had reported the following items for Hundleby: 1 x trespass, 1x admin, 1 x suspicious, 2 x violence/domestic and 1 x fraud and forgery. The PCSO had been sent photographs showing some parking problems. She asked for more details for one of the photos, the Clerk will do this.
11. Allotments.
Allotment rents had been paid. The allotment contracts were coming up for renewal and Cllr said that, because there had been no rent increase for 9 years, his advice would be that the rent for the pony paddock should be increased by 11%, This would take the rent to £240.00. The dug plot had already been increased to £50.00. Cllrs agreed to this increase, the Clerk was asked to write to the tenants to inform them of the increase. Cllr said he would arrange for the allotment hedges to be cut.
12. Correspondence.
The British Red Cross notified the Council that training courses were available. LCC invited the Parish Council to participate in their verge cutting scheme. The Parish Council would have to agree to cut the verges on behalf of LCC. It was agreed not to join the scheme and that LCC would cut the verges twice a year as usual. The Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service had completed their Management Plan for 2018-23. It can be viewed online.
13. Any other business.
Cllr reported that the chine supper which had been held at the Parish Rooms had made £725.13 which would be donated to the Butterfly Hospice. Cllrs agreed that this was a marvellous result. Carols around the tree will be held on Thursday 20th December at 6.30pm. Father Christmas had been organised to attend. Spilsby Cllrs had asked if they could use the cups on Remembrance Sunday. Cllrs said the crockery would be required by the Village on Saturday 10th and Monday 12th so they were unable to lend out the cups.
14. Charity Distribution.
Four residents had been lost from the Charity list, but Cllr suggested others to be put on the list. The Charity forms were given out.
15. Date and time of the next meeting.
The 1st Monday of December was a suggested date for the next meeting but 2 of the Cllrs had problems with this date. Tuesday 4th December was agreed as a provisional date. The Clerk will contact all Cllrs to see if they will be available.
The meeting closed at 9.15 pm