October 2018: Minutes
Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Mr A Foster, Mrs D Jacklin, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker. One member of the public also attended
1. Apologies.
There were apologies from Dr D Cartwright who was away, Mr M Dales and Councillor B Aron who had to attend other meetings
2. Declaration of Interest.
No one had interests to declare.
3. Minutes.
The minutes of the last meeting had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted. Proposed by Cllr P Maddison and seconded by Cllr D Jacklin, they were duly signed by the Chairman.
The minutes of the extraordinary meeting were given to Cllrs to check. Cllr A Foster proposed that these minutes were accepted, it was seconded by Cllr P Maddison, all Cllrs voted in favour.
4. Matters Arising.
The laminated signs had been put up in the kitchen. The grabbers and sacks had been ordered from ELDC for the litter pick on 20th October. The meeting with the police to discuss the ongoing parking difficulties had been rescheduled for the 19th October.
5. Decision about the Councillors applications for dispensations.
Chairman P Badley. Cllrs M Badley, D Cartwright, D Jacklin and P Maddison had applied for dispensation. The Clerk granted these Cllrs dispensation on the grounds that “without the dispensation the number of persons unable to participate in the transaction of business would be so great as to impede the transaction of the business”.
6. Parish Rooms.
The trays in the kitchen had been checked and it was decided that they would not be replaced at the moment. Cllr enquired about the fees to be charged for use of the Parish Rooms by the Church at the churchyard clean up. The Parish Rooms had been used to make poppies for the Village Remembrance Day commemoration so it was agreed that no fees would be charged for this or for the HOP group meeting where poppies are also being made. The Parish Rooms booking secretary asked if hirers could pay for the heating tokens when they were collected. It was agreed that this would be a good idea and would help to keep track of the heating tokens.
7. Village Green and Village Matters.
A parishioner had sent an enquiry about the possibility of registering the Hundleby Inn as a Village asset. This was discussed at length and it was unanimously agreed not to pursue the matter.
8. Highways Issues.
A parishioner had contacted the Clerk to complain about the grass cutting at the front of her property and problems where a neighbour had made a vehicular access from the road to their property over the footpath. The Clerk had replied to inform the parishioner that she should contact the Highways Department and had given her the appropriate contact address. The Parish Council will contact the enforcement department at E.L.D.C. to find out whether a planning application for this work. The Clerk had received an email and photographs from a parishioner, who had not been able to walk along the footpath at the end of Church Lane because it was blocked by a van. The hedge here is very overgrown so a Cllr will mention this to the hedge owner. The problem will be discussed at the police meeting which has already been arranged.
9. Finance.
A. The following invoices were due for payment:
H M R C £55.00 tax on Clerk’s salary (2 payments).
Mrs S Hendy £144.24 salary and expenses to 30.09.18
R M Holmes £42.00 grass cutting to 28.09.18
E.ON £15.75 Electricity estimated to 12.09.18.
B. Balances in the bank: Treasurers Account £4923.76 Business Bank Instant Account £2739.06
10. Planning.
The following planning applications were discussed.
N/088/01730/18. Application from The Hundleby Inn for change of use, to site 10 caravans at the rear of the property. The application has now been reduced to 8 caravans. Cllrs had been granted dispensation so this could be discussed in detail. The caravan licencing body had informed the applicant that the vans must be sited 3 metres from property boundaries. The Parish Councillors had the following concerns: A septic tank was shown as the means of collecting waste water, sewerage etc, this could overflow into the surrounding ground, Cllrs said that use of mains drainage would be more suitable. Development on this site would affect at least 10 local properties detrimentally. Only gravel paths were going to the vans which were not suitable for disabled or elderly people. A car park was going to be used by caravan residents, they did not have parking near the vans. The caravans were in a conservation area. The application was for all year-round occupancy and, because the caravans would not be purchased by the applicants, it was likely that they would be rented out and extra vehicles would need to park in the road, adding to the existing parking problems. Cllrs also felt that there would be a problem with rubbish collection. Cllrs voted unanimously to oppose the application.
N/088/01804/18 Repositioning of a boundary wall to provide a parking area. The wall was going to be re-instated to match the existing wall and would enlarge the parking area already in existence. Cllrs had no objection to this application.
N/088/01504/18. Erection of a small garage at 10 the Gables had been approved. Cllr had been informed that building work had commenced on the Plot at Oak Lane. The Clerk will investigate. A local resident attended the meeting to make the Parish Council aware of several issues with the new houses at the site near the turning for Raithby. These were as follows: The owner of plot 2 had moved into the property about 10 weeks ago, before the drive was completed. A condition of the planning consent was that the property should not be occupied until the drive was completed because the owner had to reverse on to the main road near a dangerous corner and would not be able to drive in and out forwards. Plot 3 (which is owned by plot 4) had removed the front hedge and replaced it with a fence which again was in breach of the planning consent. Plots 1,2,5 and 6 had still not planted the trees which again were conditions of the planning consent. The Clerk will send these details to Cllr Aron and to E.L.D.C. Planning enforcement.
11. Code of Conduct.
All Councillors had been given a copy of the Code of Conduct. It was proposed by Cllr D Jacklin and seconded by Cllr J Slaymaker, that these were re-adopted. All Cllrs voted in favour
12. Police Matters.
The PCSO had emailed the Parish Council to apologise for the lack of reports, she explained that she had been looking after her elderly father and her work colleague was off sick. The Clerk had sent good wishes.
13. Allotments.
One of the allotment holders had asked for bank details so that she could pay for her allotment. The Clerk had supplied these details and been notified that the rent had been paid.
14. Correspondence.
L C C sent details of the winter maintenance service. They would supply 2 pre-packed salt bags per Parish Council and they requested that Parish Councils appoint a “snow warden” to be a point of contact in the event of severe weather conditions. Cllr D Cartwright was nominated to deal with this. The Kings Fund had notified the Clerk of a course to be held in London to discuss social care. The email had been circulated to Cllrs if they were interested. The form for the small business rate review had been received and returned by the Clerk. ELDC had sent the review of polling stations. The Hundleby station would be the Parish Rooms as usual. Cllr Grover sent his apologies for not attending the meeting and informed the Parish Council that he would soon be holding monthly surgeries. A parishioner had sent an enquiry regarding a tree which needed cutting back. A Cllr suggested that he should be directed to contact ELDC trees and shrubs so the Clerk had passed the information to the parishioner. The Clerk had been contacted asking about fees etc for booking the Parish Rooms. This was given to the booking clerk.
15. Any other business.
The cleaner had asked if the cobweb brush could be replaced. It was suggested that the old brush should be checked for woodworm. The booking clerk had asked for some petty cash to cover the cost if incidental expenses.
The Chairman asked if Cllrs knew of anyone who would benefit from the annual Charities distribution.
16. Date and time of the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th November at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.
The meeting closed at 9.05 pm