September 2018: Minutes

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Councillors present: Mrs P Badley (in the chair), Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales,                

Mr A Foster, Mrs D Jacklin, Mr P Maddison and Ms J Slaymaker.

County Councillor Mr B Aron and one Parishioner also attended

1. Apologies.

There were no apologies.

2. Declaration of Interest.

 Interests were declared to planning item N/088/01730/18 by Councillors Mrs P Badley,                   

Mr M Badley, Dr D Cartwright, Mr M Dales, Mrs D Jacklin and Mr P Maddison

3. Minutes.

The minutes of the last meeting had already been circulated to the Councillors, these were accepted. Proposed by Cllr J Slaymaker and seconded by Cllr D Jacklin, they were duly signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising.

The padlock has been purchased and the P A T test has been done.

Other items will be included under the relevant headings.

5. Parish Rooms.

The repairs and the painting of the door had been carried out. A lock had also been fitted to the door which was being kept locked. It was suggested that, for Health and Safety reasons, a key should be kept with the kitchen keys and a laminated notice put up to make hirers aware of the escape route in case of fire. The fridge door had been closed by a hirer and the cleaner had had some difficulty cleaning the fridge. It was decided that a notice should be put on the fridge door asking hirers to leave it open after use. It was reported that table cloths were missing from the kitchen. It was decided that they would not be replaced.


6. Village Green and Village Matters.

The Chairman will order the rubbish bags and the ‘picker uppers’ for the Village litter pick on 20th October 2018.  A follow up meeting with the police will be arranged to discuss the parking/traffic problems in the Village.                                                                                                                                                                            Cllr reported that the grass verge and the path on Raithby Hill were overgrown with weeds. A Cllr said he would strim it, he was thanked by the Chairman.





7. Highways Issues.

Cllr Aron had reported all of the issues from the previous meeting. As nothing has yet been done about them he will investigate.  Main Road had been swept again but the problem still persists with the grit although it has improved.                                                                                                                                                                            Cllr had spoken with Environmental Health to discuss the rubbish at the property on Raithby Hill. The complaint had been acknowledged but there was no further information at the moment. 


8. Finance.

A. The following invoices were due for payment:    

Tongs £4.49 padlock for shed. 

PAT Test £30.00 test for Parish Rooms

P Sylvester £315.00 replace door at Parish Rooms.

The following had been taken by direct debit:

E.on £21.92 Electricity estimated to 02.07.18.

E.On £17.05 electricity bill, meter read 02.08.18

Anglian Water £50.88 ¼ to 14.07.18  

B. Balances in the bank:  Treasurers Account £5385.75     Business Bank Instant Account £2739.06 

9. Planning.

N/088/00723/13 The removal of the clause for social housing at the Gables development. This had been approved.                                                                                                                                                                 

N/088/1191/18, extension and alterations at Westview Farm, Brickyard Lane had been approved.

N/088/1283/18, extension and alterations at 24 Raithby Road had been approved.    

 The following planning applications were discussed.

0071/18/TPA, application to remove a sycamore tree at the Gables site to allow another tree to grow. After discussion Cllrs decided to support the application.

N/088/01730/18. Application from The Hundleby Inn for change of use to site 10 caravans at the rear of the property. Six Parish Councillors had declared an interest in this item therefore no discussion took place at the meeting.

 After some discussion about this unprecedented situation it was decided that the Cllrs would apply for dispensation to allow them to consider and vote on this application. This is necessary as the two remaining Cllrs who had not declared an interest would not be quorate and would therefore be unable to consider the application. The Chairman will contact E L D C and ask for the forms to do this and an Extra Ordinary meeting will be held on Monday 24th September at 6 pm to decide who will consider and decide upon the submitted dispensation applications. The Clerk will put up a notice to publicise  the meeting.   The Clerk will also notify Cllr W Grover to inform him of the problem and ask if he would call in the planning application.  


10. Data Protection.

 The Clerk had spoken with LALC who had told her it was not necessary to register at the moment. 


11. Police Matters.

Emma Latham the PCSO had written to inform the Parish Council that she would not be returning to the Spilsby area. The Clerk had written to thank her for the reports she had sent to the Parish Council and to wish her luck in her new job

12. Allotments

The Allotments had been inspected at the beginning of tonight’s meeting and it was agreed that they looked tidy. The rubbish was being removed by the farmer. The hedge needs cutting and Cllr will arrange this.

13. Correspondence.

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue notified the Clerk that they would be willing to give safety talks to local groups and organisations. There is new system in place for reporting highway faults. The Clerk has details if required.

14. Any other business.

 The Clerk will circulate a copy of the Code of Conduct to all Cllrs. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

15 Date and time of the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th October 2018 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.

There will be an Extra Ordinary meeting, one item agenda, on Monday 24th September at 6.00 p.m


The meeting closed at