December 2022 Minutes of the meeting
Minutes of the Hundleby Parish Council Meeting held 7pm, 5th December 2022 in the Parish Rooms
Present: Cllr L Corten-Miller(Chair) Cllr M Dales Cllr P Maddison Cllr C Parker
Cllr N Tilsley County Cllr W Gray
Members of the Public: 11
Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker, Parish clerk
Open Forum for public participation
A resident asked if a reply had been received from ELDC concerning the application for a rubbish bin at the Springs. Residents spoke concerning the Parish Rooms dog exclusion. There was a consensus of opinion that the Council should review the decision and include consultation as part of the review process. A resident queried where the money would come from if the option to build a new premises at the Spilsby Tennis Club was progressed and whether the Parish Council had the power to spend funds on a feasibility study.
4 members of public left the meeting.
- To open the meeting
The meeting opened at 7.15pm.
- To appoint a Chair
It was resolved to appoint Cllr Corten-Miller as Chair and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.
- To note apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
Apologies were received from ELDC Cllr Grover.
- To declare pecuniary interests
No pecuniary interests were declared.
- To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on the 7th November 2022
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 7th November 2022 as a true record.
- To receive reports from the County Councillor and District Councillor
Cllr Grover had sent apologies. Cllr Gray had sent a report which had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website. More information is in the County News magazine. Cllr Gray was thanked for his report.
- Finance
- To formally note financial position
Current account: £3,218.58, Reserves account: £7747.00, 32-day account: £20,037.85
- To formally note the bank reconciliations
The bank reconciliations were noted and signed by the Chair.
- To approve the clerk’s pay award for 22/23 of £11.63/hour for SCP7
It was resolved to approve the clerk’s pay award for 22/23 of £11.63/hour and to back date the pay to April 2022.
- To approve the transfer of £2,747 from the Reserves account to the 32-day account
It was resolved to approve the transfer of £2,747 from the Reserves account to the 32-day account.
- To discuss the draft budget for 2023/24
The draft budget had been circulated and will be looked at in more detail in January when the precept is set.
- To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
30.11.22 Eon electricity DD (Local Government Act 1972 s.133) £35.07
05.12.22 J Slaymaker cleaning November (Local Government Act 1972 s.111) £37.50
05.11.22 Viking stationery (Local Government Act 1972 s.111) £52.56 (£40.90 ex Vat)
31.12.22 Salary (December) (Local Government Act 1972 s.112) £226.78
- To note any income received since the last meeting
The following receipts were noted:
07.11.22 Tai Chi October £64.00
02.11.22 Yoga October £24.00
21.11.22 Dog Therapy £36.00
29.11.22 Yoga (November) £33.00
29.11.22 Dog Therapy £126.00
30.11.22 Interest 32-day account £17.08
02.12.22 Book Swap November £18.00
- Planning
- To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting
No planning applications had been received.
- To note any planning decisions since the last meeting
No planning decision had been received.
- To receive correspondence concerning a planning appeal submitted regarding land off Masonic Lane. Appeal reference: APP/D2510/W/22/3302271 and consider action
It was noted that an appeal has been made regarding land off Masonic Lane. As the original comments were still valid cllrs decided not to submit a written representation.
- To discuss village issues
The only outstanding matter is a street light on Raithby Road. Details were passed to Cllr Gray.
- To discuss contributing 50% (£605.50) towards Spilsby Town Council’s costs to provide a defibrillator to be situated to the east of Hundleby under Public Health Act 1936 s.234
It was decided to defer this item to the next meeting.
- To discuss the Parish Rooms
- To receive an update concerning work required to the Parish Rooms
The clerk reported that work required to free the sticking partition doors would be in the region of £400 if the doors needed to be removed. Cllrs thought there might be an easier solution and will investigate. A builder had recommended replacing the rotten kitchen door and frame with upvc. Fitting a push bar open to a upvc door was discussed and the clerk to obtain quotations. A quotation had been received to patch repair the roof over the kitchen. It was resolved to accept the quotation as it was below the threshold for tendering and was from a local reputable roofer. The clerk to contact Lymn Roofing.
- To discuss the decoration of the Parish Rooms for Christmas
It was decided to ask Andy and Stephanie Foster if they would be willing to decorate the Parish Rooms and it was widely agreed how festive the rooms always look at Christmas. Any Health and Safety concerns to be reported to the Council.
- To discuss internal Parish Council issues
- To consider candidates for co-option for the councillor vacancy
It was resolved to co-opt Jenny Caitlin. The clerk to invite her to the next meeting.
- To consider rescheduling the Council’s January meeting
Due to a hall booking the January meeting to be Wednesday 4th January.
- To consider a request to display the old minute books etc at an event to be organised in the Parish Rooms in 2023
It was agreed that the old parish records could be displayed at an event before being sent to Lincolnshire Achieves.
- To receive correspondence and resolve action if required
Resignation letters were received from D Cartwright and J Amaral. Twelve letters/emails concerned about the Parish Room dog exclusion (clerk to respond). Email received regarding Parish Council procedures (clerk to respond). Lincolnshire Association of Local Council’s newsletters.
- Clerk and Councillor Reports (for information only)
The clerk reported that the planning application for Hundleby Grange was no longer accessible on the ELDC website so no comments were made.
- To consider excluding the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss applications received for the cleaners position
The public, Cllr Gray and the clerk left the meeting. Following a discussion the clerk returned. It was agreed that the clerk continue to clean the Parish Rooms for a trial period of 3 months.
- To note the date of the next meeting
The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 4th January 2023.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm