June 2022 Minutes of the meeting

Present: Cllr D Cartwright (Chair) Cllr J Amaral Cllr L Corten-Miller Cllr M Dales
Cllr A Foster Cllr P Maddison Cllr C Parker 3 Members of the Public
Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker, Parish clerk
- Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and sincerely thanked all the people who were involved in the Hundleby Queens Platinum Jubilee events.
- To consider and approve any apologies of absence
Apologies were received from County Councillor Gray and District Councillor Grover.
- To declare pecuniary interests for any items on the agenda
No pecuniary interests were declared.
- Open Forum for public participation
David Stonehouse took the opportunity to say how splendid the village looked for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. He wanted to publicly thank Cllr Corten-Miller for her leadership, enthusiasm and support and the organisations, villagers and businesses that make the events such a success. A donations tub was left out and it collected over £400 which will go into a ring-fenced Parish Rooms refurbishment fund.
A parishioner expressed concern about proposals to remove the circular seat on the Green. It was felt that plastic seats would not be in keeping with the area.
- To approve the draft notes of meeting held 3rd May 2022
It was resolved to accept the notes of the meeting held on 3rd May 2022 as a true record.
- To approve the draft notes of the extraordinary meeting held 10th May 2022
It was resolved to accept the notes of the extraordinary meeting held 10th May 2022 as a true record.
- To receive reports from the County Councillor and District Councillor
County Councillor Gray had emailed his report which was read out at the meeting. A copy will be made available on the Council’s website. An update on Highway matters sent: the Horse warning signs should now be in place; no definitive answer re Park Avenue footpaths, possibly too poor for the slurry seal treatment work, awaiting specific information from the Surface Treatment Asset Team; Main Road/ Gables junction scheme is currently programmed for 9th June; Main Road/Brewery Lane junction- It seems this area has been assessed and it was decided that no further action was needed at this location at the time, Cllr Gray has asked for feedback as to why this decision was reached; reactive speeding signs on A16, It was reported by Cllrs that the sign was obscured by trees, a Highways officer will inspect.
- Finance
- To note financial position
It was noted that the current account balance was £4,881.25 and the Reserves account: £27,744.79.
- To note the bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted and signed by Cllr Corten-Miller.
- To approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
06.06.22 Grounds maintenance contractor £66.00
06.06.22 Mileage re AGAR submission J Slaymaker £15.30
06.06.22 50% of SLCC qualification fee J Slaymaker £72.00 (£60 ex VAT)
06.06.22 Viking office supplies £34.67 (£28.89 ex VAT)
06.06.22 Cleaning contractor April & May £142.50
30.06.22 Salary June (part month) £155.90
- To note any income received since the last meeting
The following receipts were noted.
11.04.22 Bank interest 25p
03.05.22 Hall hire Yoga £7.00
19.05.22 Hall hire Book Swap £16.00
23.05.22 Hall hire S Foster £7.00
27.05.22 Hall hire HOP4E £20.00
30.05.22 Bank interest 21p
30.05.22 Hall hire Yoga £28.00
- To receive and note Annual Internal Audit Report and Chairman’s report
The Annual Internal Audit Report and Chairman’s report were noted. The reports will be made available on the Council’s website.
- To consider and approve Annual Governance Statement (Section 1)
It was resolved to approve section 1 and this was signed by the Chairman and clerk.
- To consider and approve Accounting Statements (Section 2)
It was resolved to approve section 2 and this was signed by the Chairman and clerk (as Responsible Finance Officer).
- To consider and approve the Certificate of Exemption
The Certificate of Exemption was approved and signed by the Chairman and clerk.
- To consider and approve commencement date for the exercise of public rights
It was resolved to commence the exercise of public rights on 13th June 2022.
- Planning
- To consider any planning applications since the last meeting
Application reference N/088/00830/22 had been received for 97 Main Road, Hundleby - Extensions to existing detached garage to provide additional living accommodation.
Cllrs resolved to support the application however, councillors would prefer to see an architectural style that is more in keeping with existing properties. Councillors expressed concern that the development might become classed as a separate residence in the future. Clerk to contact ELDC.
- To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
Outline permission has been granted for erection of up to 600no. dwellings
and a medical centre with provision of associated open space, landscaping, estate roads and cycleways at land at Halton Road and Ashby Road, Spilsby.
The approval of a section 73 application has been granted for removal of condition no 3 (holiday occupancy) and 4 (General Permitted Development) as imposed on planning permission reference no. N/137/00956/17 which was for the Change of use, extension and alterations to former Raithby Hill Reservoir to provide a holiday cottage to include alterations to existing vehicular access and construction of a turning area and the erection of a summer house (which are presently on site) at The Nook, Raithby Road.
Full planning permission has been granted for the extension and alterations to existing dwelling
to provide additional living accommodation at Charnwood House, Main Road.
Full planning permission has been granted for alterations to existing retaining walls to provide
a roof to create a garage, steps and access gates to a maximum height of 1.82m. (works already started) at The Nook, Raithby Road.
There has been a refusal of outline planning permission for 7no. dwellings and provision of parking area (with means of access to be considered) at land off Masonic Lane, Spilsby.
- To discuss village issues
- To receive an update on highways matters
Highway matters were discussed under the County Councillor report.
- To receive an update on the allotments and review the current agreement
Cllrs Parker and Maddison had inspected the allotments and subsequently Cllr Maddison strimmed and tidyed the area of land adjacent to the ex-conifer plantation. It was resolved that Cllr Maddison should submit an invoice for his fuel costs and he was thanked for his work. It was agreed that any planting on the ex-plantation plot required careful consideration. Cllr Maddison agreed to organise a volunteer party to help clear the area and the clerk was asked to contact the tree contractor to cut down the two remaining conifer trees. It was agreed that the remainder of the land continue to be let to the existing tenant. The tenancy agreement would be deferred to the next meeting.
- To discuss including the verges at the allotment entrance on the Main Road in the grounds maintenance work schedule
It was resolved to include the verges at the allotment entrance on the Main Road in the grounds maintenance work schedule. Cllr Maddison was thanked for tidying the area.
- To consider and approve to the purchase of two benches for the Green to mark the Jubilee and replace the existing metal circular bench and to apply for ELDC Jubilee funding to meet the cost of one of the benches and associated installation costs.
It was resolved that the metal circular bench remain and Cllr Maddison agreed to forming a volunteer party to remove the broken concrete base and make good the area. The circular bench had been given to the village by the Social Group to mark the year 2000. It was resolved to apply to ELDC for the Jubilee funding to purchase a bench made of recycled material which would not require ongoing maintenance.
- To discuss internal Parish Council issues
- To receive terms of the new electricity contract and discuss increasing hall hire rates
It was resolved to increase the hall hire rates to £8/hour for all users and £9/hour if the kitchen was also used, with effect from 1st July.
- To consider replacement of the existing heating token meter with a timed push button
It was resolved that Cllr Corten-Miller investigate other options for controlling the heating and report back.
- To receive a quotation for the replacement of the Parish Rooms fascia boards and guttering
Due to the high cost of the quote received it was resolved to seek additional quotations for the work.
- To receive a request for a key to the Parish Rooms from a regular hirer
It was resolved to provide a key. Clerk to arrange the contact/signatory sheet.
- To consider appointing a conveyancer to register the Parish Rooms with the Land Registry
Due to the high costs involved Cllr Amaral offered to look at the procedure for registering the Parish Rooms
- To review and adopt a Councillor Vacancy policy
It was resolved to adopt the Councillor Vacancy policy with a review date of May 2025.
- To receive correspondence and resolve action if required
An update from ELDC was received regarding the tree work on the beech tree at The Beeches. The tree contractors who undertook the work were not registered and the ELDC Arboricultural Officer is looking at options regarding the tree and hopes to make a decision in 2-3 weeks’ time.
The Terms of Reference for the Parish Rooms Working Party had been circulated and all cllrs were satisfied with the document.
- To consider any urgent business
There was no urgent business to discuss.
- Items for next agenda
Payment of costs associated with the Jubilee event (£33) ; to consider additional electrical sockets in the Parish Rooms; to consider maintenance work to the internal folding doors; to discuss Christmas events
- If required to consider excluding the public and press
It was not required to exclude members of the public.
- The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Monday 4th July 2022 at 7pm
The meeting closed at 8:53pm