March 2023 Minutes of the Meeting


    Minutes of the Hundleby Parish Council meeting held 6th March 2023 at 7pm

 in the Parish Rooms


Present:           Cllr Lynette Corten-Miller(Chair)            Cllr Malcolm Dales        Cllr Jenny Caitlin       

Cllr Philip Maddison    Cllr Christine Parker    Cllr Natalie Tilsley


Members of the Public: 8

Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker, Parish Clerk


            Open Forum for public participation

The owner of the Hundleby Inn wished to state that notices placed on the community noticeboard, positioned outside the Hundleby Inn, is owned by a resident and the views expressed on the notices were not that of the Hundleby Inn.  A resident representing the HOP4E group thanked the Council for their support and stated that they did not require any funding from the Parish Council at present.


  1. To open the meeting

The meeting was opened at 7.05pm


  1. To note apologies and accept valid reasons of absence

There were no apologies.


  1. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to declare any pecuniary interests

No pecuniary interests were declared.


  1. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on the 6th February 2023

It was resolved to approve the notes of the meeting held 6th February as a true record and the minutes were signed by the Chair.


  1. To receive and approve the draft notes of the Extraordinary meeting held 1st March 2023

It was resolved to approve the notes of the Extraordinary meeting held 1st March as a true record and the minutes were signed by the Chair.


  1. To receive reports from the County Councillor and District Councillor

County Cllr Gray’s report had been circulated and will be placed on the website. A question was asked about funding for hosts of Ukrainian families. Cllr Gray confirmed that funding was from central Government. East Lindsey District Cllr Grover confirmed that £200 had been granted to the Council for wi-fi provision in the Parish Rooms. Cllr Grover reported that 70% of ELDC Council Tax is for a drainage levy. It is hoped that this unique and historic funding issue may be resolved. The Pride in East Lindsey teams (email ) can be requested to do one off jobs in the district, for example, tidying up footpaths. Keep Britain Tidy campaign runs from 17th March to 2nd April. The deadline to register to vote for the election is 17th April. Photo id is needed to vote. Cllrs Gray and Grover were thanked for attending.


  1. Finance
    1. To formally note financial position

The financial position was noted. Current account: £1,574.06, reserves account: £5,006.57, 32-day: £22,864.81.

  1. To formally note bank reconciliations

The bank reconciliations were noted and signed by Cllr Parker.

  1. To formally approve the Clerk’s pay scale progression to SCP 8 (£11.84/hour) with effect from 1st April 2023

It was resolved to approve the Clerk’s pay scale progression to SCP 8 (£11.84/hour) with effect from 1st April 2023

  1. To formally approve Clerk’s annual expenses for heating, electricity, space, phone and internet charges for homeworking of £60.00

It was resolved to approve Clerk’s annual expenses for heating, electricity, space, phone and internet charges for homeworking of £60.00

  1. To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made

It was resolved to approve the following payments:


06.03.23 J Slaymaker cleaning February (Local Government Act 1972 s.111)                        £39.38

31.03.23 Salary (March) (Local Government Act 1972 s.112)                                                 £226.78

01.04.24 Scribe Starboard Systems accountancy software (Local Government Act 1972 s.111)                                                                                                                                               £207.36 (£172.80 ex Vat)

06.03.23 Tongs Danish oil for bench refurb                                                                            £12.99

16.03.23 Eon electricity DD                                                                                                    £105.47


  1. To note any income received since the last meeting

The income received since the last meeting was noted:

15.02.23 Kraken Explorer Scouts Room Hire  £16.00

09.02.23 Bank interest Reserves                     £2.55

28.02.23 Yoga Feb                                          £40.00

01.03.23 Bank interest 32-day                        £29.18


  1. Planning
    1. To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting

No new application had been received.

  1. To note any planning decisions since the last meeting

No new decisions had been received.


  1. To discuss village issues
    1. To receive an update on highways matters

The dog waste bin has been installed at the Springs. It was reported that the bin was not easy to use. Cllr Grover took down the details and will follow this up with ELDC.

  1. To receive applications for the 3 allotment plots and allocate plots by way of ballot box if necessary

One application had been received and the Clerk was asked to contact the applicant to progress the letting. Cllr Maddison offered to keep an eye on the two vacant plots.

  1. To receive an update from the Coronation Working Group and resolve action

Cllr Caitlin reported that there had been two meetings and lots of ideas focussing on the King’s themes. The WI kindly offered to decorate the Green. The plans are for a Coronation Café on Sunday 2-4pm providing tea and cake, and people bringing picnics. Monday will be an ‘ask your neighbour what you can do for them’ theme. Further costings were being sought for pens and packets of wildflower seeds for distribution to villagers. Councillors resolved that if costs exceeded the ring-fenced fund of £287.31, then the Parish Council could contribute further funds.


  1. To discuss the Parish Rooms
    1. To receive  Dog Owners Leaflet, Dog Disclaimer Notice, Dog Policy, Risk Assessment and Parish Rooms Hirer Agreement which would allow hirers to decide if their event is suitable for dogs (other than Assistance dogs)

It was resolved to approve the Dog Owners Leaflet, Dog Disclaimer Notice, Dog Policy, Risk Assessment, and Parish Rooms Hirer Agreement. All the people involved in producing the documents were thanked. The Clerk to contact existing hirers with the new agreement and contact the hirer who used the Parish Rooms to run Dog Therapy classes.

  1. To receive an update from the Parish Rooms Working Party

Cllr Corten-Miller reported that the results of the Feasibility Study were expected on 20th March and the Working Party would meet following receipt of the Study.

  1. To appoint two Parish Councillors to the Parish Rooms Working Party

It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Caitlin and Maddison to the Parish Rooms Working Party.

  1. To discuss future arrangements for the cleaning of the Parish Rooms

This agenda item was moved to closed session for discussion

  1. To discuss including a Parish Rooms hiring calendar on the Council’s website

It was agreed to research the possibility of including a hiring calendar on the Council’s website that allows a search of future months to check Parish Rooms availability.


  1. To discuss internal Parish Council issues
    1. To receive the interim Internal Auditors Report and consider action

The interim Internal Auditors Report was noted and the Clerk will address the minor recommendations.

  1. To consider auditing the Parish Council policies and identify gaps to produce a timetabled plan

Cllrs discussed and agreed that a timetabled plan would be produced for a future meeting.

  1. To discuss implementing a hire charges policy for the Parish Rooms

It was noted that the current practice is for the George Ball Trust and Village events that are Parish Council led are not charged a hiring fee for use of the Parish Rooms.  It was noted that community events for example HOP4E events, Book Swap and the Community Café were not charged for setting up and clearing away time. Cllr Tilsey and the Clerk to produce a policy statement.

  1. To discuss implementing a grants policy

It was noted that the Council have a small sum of £50 budgeted for grants. It was agreed to look at the criteria for a Grants policy following the May meeting.

  1. To review the Health and Safety policy

It was resolved to approve the Health and Safety policy.

  1. To set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting (APM)

It was agreed to hold the APM on Monday 15th May 2023 at 6.30pm.


  1. To receive correspondence and resolve action if required

A resident wished to donate a keyboard for use in the Parish Rooms. The Clerk was asked to thank the resident however, there was no suitable space in the Rooms.

A letter from the HOP4E group, an extract of which was read out by a resident during the Open Forum.

The Clerk read out a summary of 6 emails received from a resident since the last meeting.

It was decided to go into closed session at the end of the meeting for Councillors to discuss the sensitive issues contained in the emails.


One member of the public left the meeting.


  1. Clerk and Councillor Reports

Cllr Caitlin reported on her recent training: LALC New Councillor and the ELDC Prosperity Funding briefing.

The Clerk reported that Platform Housing has responded concerning the dumping of waste on the allotments to the rear of Council Housing on Main Road. Platform Housing were satisfied that the waste was on the tenants land. Cllr Gray offered to highlight the concern when he meets with Platform’s Regional Manager.


Councillors resolved to exclude public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss sensitive issues

The members of the public, District and County Councillors and the Clerk left the meeting.

Item 10.d) It was agreed to continue with the existing arrangements.

The Clerk returned to the meeting.

Item 12. Councillors discussed correspondence received from a resident and agreed the contents of a letter which would be sent from the Clerk.


  1. To note the date of the next meeting

It was noted that the next meeting will be on 3rd April 2023 at 7pm.



The meeting closed at 9pm.