March 2023 Extraordinary Meeting

Minutes of the Extraordinary Hundleby Parish Council Meeting held Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7pm in the Parish Rooms
Present: Cllr L Corten-Miller(Chair)   Cllr M Dales Cllr J Caitlin Cllr P Maddison
Members of the Public: 6
Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker, Parish clerk
Open Forum. 
A resident wished to advise councillors that training was available. They also asked if the outcome of the Extraordinary meeting would be available at the next Parish Council meeting.
A resident queried a typo on the agenda referring to the Localism Act and explained that an email was sent due to a misunderstanding. They queried why councillors do not declare a pecuniary interest in the Parish Rooms when discussing invoices. The resident stated that there was no input into the community from Parish Council funds and felt that community groups should be able to use the Parish Rooms free of charge.
6 members of the public left the meeting.
1.3/23E To open the meeting
The meeting was opened at 7.09pm
2.3/23E To note apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Parker and Tilsley. These were accepted.
3.3/23E In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, to declare pecuniary interests
No interests were declared.
4.3/23E To consider excluding the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss  a Code of Conduct complaint and resolve action
The chair excluded the public and press. Councillors discussed recent correspondences received from a resident. These included emails, letters and notices placed on an independent community noticeboard. Councillors resolved unanimously to write a letter from the Chair and offer local resolution.
The meeting closed at 8pm.