Annual Parish Meeting Minutes 2022



Present Cllr David Cartwright (Chair) 

and 10 Members of the Public


Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker Parish clerk


  1. Cllr Cartwright welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  1. Apologies were received from Cllr Lynette Corten-Miller and Keith Painter (Tia Chi club).


  1. The minutes of the last meeting held on 4th May 2021 were accepted as a true record.


  1. Cllr Cartwright gave his report (copy attached) which highlighted the progress made by the Council over the past year and thanked the hall and grounds maintenance contractors for keeping the village and hall well maintained and looking welcoming.


  1. The public were invited to raise any matters of interest. There was a query about the recent pavement resurfacing work in the village where Park Avenue was not part of the scheme. This issue had also been raised at the Parish Council meeting and it was hoped that Lincolnshire County Councillor W Gray would have more information at the next Parish Council meeting in June.


  1. Reports were given from Community Organisations:

Denise Rowland spoke on behalf of the Spilsby and Hundleby Walkers Are Welcome Group, which is part of a national scheme. A small committee with Stephanie Round as Chair organises a variety of walks in the area. Recent walks have attracted over 20 people. There is no charge for the walks and any donations go towards membership, insurance and producing fliers advertising the walks. Leaflets have also been produced by the Group including Historic Hundleby, Franklin Way and the Franklin Trail. These are made available to local B&B’s etc. The walking group are organising a Historic Hundleby Walk on Friday 3rd May as part of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations.


Sue Maddison spoke on behalf of the Hundleby WI who meet in the Parish Rooms on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. They have a strong membership and are always keen to see new members. The programme for the year is now available. The WI are decorating the Green and Parish Rooms as part of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations.


  1. A vote of thanks was given to all the participants and Cllr Cartwright was thanked for all the effort he puts in as Chair.


  1. The meeting closed at 7.14pm.



Annual Parish Meeting May 2022.


Chairman of Hundleby Parish Council Report


May I begin this report by thanking all those on the Hundleby Parish Council who have spent a lot of your time, effort and input over the last year carrying out their duties. It is fully appreciated, not only by myself but also by the Hundleby residents.


May I also thank our contractors: Mick Holmes our Grounds manager and Stephanie Foster who organises the Bookings for the Parish Rooms and keeps the Rooms in a clean and welcoming condition.


And, of course, Jane Slaymaker, our Clerk, who has worked tirelessly since her appointment last June to upskill her knowledge to ensure our finances are kept in order, Policies are put in place, and the general day to day running of the Council is efficient and effective.


During her time in office Jane has implemented the use of the 'Scribe' financial management system and ensured, with the direction of LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils) that our year end AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) is accurate.


Jane has also undertaken the ILCA  (Introduction to Local Council Administration) course with a view to eventually converting this to the CiLCA (Certificate in Local Governmet Administration), which then gives the Council the option to apply for General Power of Competency, which broadens our powers.


During the year the Council has endeavoured to assist residents with Highways issues:


Access and egress to and from the Gables site has been agreed and we await the painting of yellow lines to implement parking restrictions along the Main Road.


We await 'Danger:Horses' signs along the western approaches to the village, again agreed by LCC but still waiting....


And finally we have purchased a Speed Reduction Unit from Unipart Dorman in order to try and address the speeding problems throught the village and again, we are awaiting delivery!


With regard the Allotments: we have purchased a new entrance gate as the old one was rusting away, and have felled the majority of the pine trees as again these were 'past their sell-by date'. I undersatnd the residents on the Main Road are very pleased with the extra light they now gain.


We distributed a Survey to all residences in Hundleby asking the views of the residents regarding improvement and development of the Parish Rooms. The results were very interesting, a return rate of 35% , the vast majority of these indicating that change was required.

Subsequent to this a Working Party has been set up, including volunteers from the village, and the next step will be a feasibility study to explore different options. The Parish Council, being Titleholders to the Parish Rooms will continue to have input and control over developments.


Ladies and gentlemen that concludes my report for the Hundleby Parish Council for the 2021-2022. Once again I thank all those members of the Council and our employees for all their hard work.


I will be very happy to take questions and receive your views...........


Thank you.




May 2022