July 2022 Notes of the Finance meeting
Present: Cllr L Corten-Miller, Cllr D Cartwright, Cllr A Foster, RFO J Slaymaker
- To elect a Chair
It was resolved to elect Cllr Corten-Miller as Chair
- To note apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
There were no apologies
- To declare pecuniary interests for any items on the agenda
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
- Open Forum for public participation
There were no members of the public present.
- To review the Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee
The terms of reference were amended slightly and will be presented at the next full Council meeting.
- To consider the provision of Wi-Fi to the Parish Rooms
Cllr Foster had undertaken some research and it was felt that a wired connection was a favourable option, with BT providing the most competitive price (£19.95 connection fee, £27.95 per month, £10.95 delivery, for a 2 year contract including a VOIP phone and unlimited data. It was noted that some companies would not provide a quotation. It was felt that Wi-Fi connection is considered an expectation by many hall users. It was agreed to recommend BT as Wi-Fi provider at the next full Council meeting.
- To consider the Clerk’s expenses for electricity, heating, telephone, wi-fi
It was agreed to pay the clerk £5 per month towards expenses, this recommendation to be taken to the next full Council meeting.
- To consider changes to the bank mandate and approval settings
It was resolved to alter the bank mandate in line with best practices and alter the approval settings to two councillors to authorise each bank payment or transfer.
- To consider changes to internal control regarding invoices
It was resolved that each invoice will be checked against the payment list by a councillor to ensure internal control.
- To discuss Parish Rooms fund
It was noted that money donated towards the Parish Rooms refurbishment and profit from any related fundraising would be ring-fenced in the Council’s Reserves and expenses could not be paid from this Reserve.
- To receive correspondence
There was no correspondence
- Clerk and Councillor Reports
Review of accounts to take place at the next Finance committee meeting; to look at the costs of a feather sign for the Parish Rooms to help highlight when events are in the hall; long term to look at the purchase of a marquee and gazebo.
- To arrange a date for the next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting is on Wednesday 12th October at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 8.35pm