June 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Hundleby Parish Council Annual Meeting 
held 5th June 2023 at 7pm in the Parish Rooms
Present: Cllr Lynette Corten-Miller (Chair) Cllr Robert Bell Cllr Jenny Caitlin Cllr Malcolm Dales Cllr Philip Maddison Cllr Cherry Morgan   Cllr Christine Parker Cllr Natalie Tilsley
Members of the Public: None
Also in attendance:  Bonnie Smith, Locum Clerk and Jane Slaymaker, Parish Clerk
28. To receive any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
There were no apologies.
29. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct 
Cllr Dales declared an interest in item 38, planning.
30. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 11th May 2023
It was resolved to accept the notes of the meeting held on 11th May 2023 as a true record and the Chair signed the minute book.
31. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
Cllr Gray sent apologies. His report had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website. Cllr Grover arrived at the end of this item and gave his report after minute number 39.
32. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the bank balances were, current account: £ 5,141.94, Reserves account: £3,613.91 and 32-dat interest account: £22,964.93.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations 
The bank reconciliation for the end of the 22/23 financial year and the current position were noted and signed by Cllr Parker.
c) To note insurance renewal of £629.26 with Zurich with effect from 1st June 2023
It was noted that the insurance renewal of £629.26 was due with effect from 1st June 2023
d) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved to approve the following payments:
26.05.23 BT DD broadband (under Local Government Act 1997 s.144) £42.65
05.06.23 J Slaymaker Hall Cleaning May (under LGA 1972 s.111) £33.00
05.06.23 Tongs paint for metal bench £20.99
16.06.23 Eon DD electricity £78.13
30.06.23 Salary (under Local Government Act 1972 s.112) maximum of £230.88
e) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
11.04.23 Interest Reserves account £2.93
09.05.23 Proceeds from Coronation event (into ringfenced Reserves) £133.25
12.05.23 Hall hire Walkers are Welcome £36.00
02.06.23 Hall Hire Yoga £40.00
31.05.23 Interest 32-day account £40.17
01.06.23 Hall Hire Hundleby Community Choir £8.00
33. To receive the end of year report of the Internal Auditor and the Balance Sheet for the year end 31st March 2023, to be signed by the Chair and the Responsible Finance Officer
The end of the year report from the Internal Auditor was received and the Balance Sheet was noted and it was resolved that it be signed by the Chair and Responsible Finance Officer.
34. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)) for financial year 2022/23 and authorise signing by the Chair and the Parish Clerk
It was resolved to  approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)) for financial year 2022/23 and to authorise signing by the Chair and the Parish Clerk.
35. To consider and approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the AGAR) for financial year 2022/23 and authorise signing by the Chair 
It was resolved to approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the AGAR) for financial year 2022/23 and to authorise signing by the Chair.
36. To consider and approve the Certificate of Exemption and authorise signing by the Chair and Parish Clerk
It was resolved to approve the Certificate of Exemption and to authorise signing by the Chair and Parish Clerk.
37. To consider and approve commencement date for the exercise of public rights of inspection of the accounts
It was resolved to approve the commencement date of 12th June 2023 for the exercise of public rights of inspection of the accounts.
38. Planning 
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting
Cllr Dales declared an interest in this item and remained in the room.
Planning ref S/165/00884/23 has been received for land off Granary Close, Spilsby - Erection of 38 no. dwellings, construction of internal access roads and construction of vehicular access. It was decided that due to the timescale for comments that the Clerk ask ELDC for an extension and the application to be looked at in July. Cllrs to forward any comments to Cllr Maddison (Planning Lead) in the meantime.
b) To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
It was noted that 38 Main Road, Hundleby, Ref N/088/00714/23 had received planning approval.
39. Village 
a) To receive an update on highways
It was reported that two inspection covers had been replaced. Any blocked drains should be reported via FixMyStreet. One of the North Beck Lane signs had been replaced and the other sign had been reported.
b) To discuss water on road at Raithby Road corner and resolve action
It was decided to revisit this item if the spring starts running onto the highway again.
c) To discuss progressing a village event concerning archives/Lincolnshire Day
It was resolved that Cllr Tilsley advertise via social media and the noticeboards for ideas to celebrate Lincolnshire Day on 1st October and then form a working party, with Cllr Tilsley as lead.
d) To consider hiring a skip to remove the redundant metal and other rubbish from the allotments and resolve action
The Chair offered the use of a skip at no charge. Cllrs agreed to this and a request for volunteers to help move items will be made when a date is found.
e) To consider the production and financing of a light informal newsletter and resolve action
Cllr Caitlin was thanked for all her work regarding a village newsletter. It was decided to defer this item and gather further information.
f) To consider in principal installing a flagpole on the village Green and resolve action
It was resolved to run a village poll via social media and the noticeboards to determine Hundleby residents views on a flagpole on the Green. Cllr Tilsley to action. Cllr Grover offered to find out the position regarding planning permission.
District Cllr Grover reported that the Community Grants had increased and he was now able to pledge £300 to the Parish Council towards the replacement rear door and windows. There is a District campaign to support communities with street tidying. Details are unclear at this stage. ELDC are aware that smaller rural communities have not been able to apply for some grant funding and they plan to introduce a grant scheme aimed at these communities. Cllr Grover will report back to the July meeting with an update on the dog waste bin at the Springs, which is difficult to use.
40. Parish Rooms 
a) To receive an update from the Parish Rooms Working Party
The Chair reported that a meeting had taken place in the Parish Rooms with Kirk Thomson, the YMCA halls advisor. Kirk gave some useful feedback about disability issues. The second part of the meeting took place at the Spilsby Tennis Club. The next meeting on 7th June will look at addressing some of the questions regarding the new build proposal.
b) To consider options regarding the Booking Clerk and resolve action
Cllr Maddison and his wife Sue have agreed to take on the role of Booking Clerk. Cllrs thanked them. The Booking Clerk Agreement will be sent. Cllrs wished to thank Stephanie Foster for all her years volunteering as Booking Clerk.
41. Internal Council Business
a) To consider adopting the ELDC Code of Conduct
It was resolved to adopt the ELDC Code of Conduct.
b) To consider adopting the revised Standing Orders 
It was resolved to defer this item to a later meeting following review by Cllrs Bell, Caitlin and Corten-Miller.
c) To consider training needs of the Council and training offered by LALC and resolve action
The locum Clerk to organise a date to undertake a cllr skill set analysis.
d) To consider adopting a revised Complaints Policy 
It was resolved to defer this item to a later meeting following review by Cllrs Bell, Caitlin and Corten-Miller.
e) To consider terms for a Grants Policy 
It was resolved to defer this item to a later meeting following review by Cllrs Bell, Caitlin and Corten-Miller.
f) To receive an update from the Spilsby Town Council meeting with other local parishes and resolve any action required
Cllrs Maddison and Parker reported that Spilsby Town Council could arrange Speedwatch training for volunteers from parishes surrounding Spilsby and loan Speedwatch equipment. Cllr Tilsley to ask for volunteers on social media. 
The Town Council has offered editorial space for local Parish Council’s to write an article for the Spilsby Explorer magazine. Parish Council’s contributing will receive copies of the Spilsby Explorer to distribute in their area.
It was noted that the two PCSOs currently in Spilsby will be relocated to Skegness.
g) To receive an update regarding Policing in the area and resolve action
It was resolved to write to the Chief Constable, Police Crime Commissioner and Victoria Atkins, Member of Parliament, regarding concerns that policing in the area is being severely reduced.
42. To receive correspondence and note any action required
An email was received from a resident concerned about the change of pronouns in the Standing Orders. The correspondence was noted.
The Police will no longer produce a monthly newsletter but will offer Parish Council’s a meeting every six month to distribute information.
43. Clerk and Councillor Reports (for information only)
Cllr Maddison reported that the Council tenant had cleared rubbish from the allotment. Cllr Maddison had strimmed and has plans to rotovate the plots. An event noticeboard is also being looked at. 
Sills and Betteridge are progressing the registration of the Council’s land. 
A claim has been lodged with the insurers regarding the stolen bench from Raithby Hill. 
Items for next agenda: defibrillator contribution; community orchard.
44. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting will be Monday 3rd July at 7pm
45. To consider excluding the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 in order to receive an update from the Staffing Committee and resolve any action required including employing a locum clerk for the interim, and agree hours and pay scale
It was resolved to exclude the public and press. 
It was resolved that Yvonne Smith be employed as a locum Clerk on terms agreed. The vacancy of Clerk to be advertised with hours being 6 per week.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm