May 2023: Minutes of the meeting

Minutes of the Hundleby Parish Council Annual Meeting held 11th May 2023 at 7pm in the Parish Rooms
Present: Cllr Lynette Corten-Miller (Chair) Cllr Robert Bell Cllr Jenny Caitlin Cllr Malcolm Dales Cllr Philip Maddison Cllr Cherry Morgan Cllr Christine Parker
Cllr Natalie Tilsley
Members of the Public: 2
Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker, Parish Clerk
13. Election of Chair and signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chair
It was resolved to elect Cllr Corten-Miller as Chair and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.
14. Election of Vice Chair
It was resolved to elect Cllr Maddison as Vice-Chair.
15. Suspend meeting for a period of public participation/forum and resume the meeting after the public forum
The meeting was suspended at 7.02pm to allow for the Open Forum. No comments were made and the meeting resumed at 7.03pm.
16. To receive any apologies and accept valid reasons of absence
No apologies were received.
17. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations1 in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct
No pecuniary or other interests were declared.
18. To receive and approve the draft notes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2023
It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2023 as a true record and the Chair signed the minute book.
19. To receive reports from the County and District councillors
County Cllr Gray’s report had been circulated and will be placed on the Council’s website. Cllr Gray was asked if County News was printed in Lincolnshire. The District Cllr Grover reported that he was pleased to be elected. His pledges are to support sustainable development; promote initiatives that keep East Lindsey clean and litter-free and encourage economic growth and development. Cllr Grover reported on an initiative for community woodlands and orchards. The Teenage Market will be in Louth on 20th May and the Wolds Outdoor Festival starts on the same date.
Both Cllrs were thanked for attending and for their support.
The Chair moved agenda item 24 a) – k) and it was discussed at this point.
Internal Council
a) To review the Standing Orders
It was resolved to amend the paragraph concerning planning applications to be in line with an earlier resolution where deadlines for comments are extended to allow planning applications to be considered by full Council. Reference to ‘Chairman’ and ‘his’ to be altered to ‘Chair’ and ‘his/her/their’. The amended Standing Orders to be taken to the next meeting.
b) To review the Financial Regulations
It was resolved to re-adopt the Financial Regulations.
Cllr Grover joined the meeting
c) To review the Code of Conduct
It was suggested that the ELDC Code of Conduct be adopted. To review at next month’s meeting.
d) To review the Complaints Policy
It was suggested that the Complaints Policy should include reference to vexatious complaints. A new policy to be reviewed at next month’s meeting.
e) To consider Terms of Reference for a Staffing Committee and appoint members
The Terms of Reference for the Staffing Committee were reviewed and Cllrs Caitlin, Morgan and Tilsley were appointed.
f) To consider Terms of Reference for a Finance Committee and appoint members
The Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee were reviewed and Cllrs Bell, Caitlin and Parker were appointed.
g) To consider the appointment of members as Leads for: Allotments; Health and Safety; Highways; Planning; Safeguarding and Website
It was resolved to appoint Cllr Caitlin as Safeguarding Lead, Cllr Dales as Allotment Lead, Cllr Tilsley as Health & Safety and Website Lead, Cllr Maddison as Highways and Planning Lead.
h) To receive and note the Asset Register at 31.03.23
Following a slight amendment the Asset Register was noted.
i) To consider a schedule of meetings for 2023/24
It was resolved to hold full Council meetings at 7pm on the first Monday in the month and the second Monday in the month if there is a Bank Holiday.
j) To consider appointing a solicitor to register the Council’s land holdings with the Land Registry as per requirement for all public sector land to be registered by 2025 and resolve action
It was resolved to instruct Sills and Betteridge solicitors to register the Council’s land holdings. The Clerk to progress.
k) To receive letter of resignation from Clerk
The Clerk was thanked for her work. The former Spilsby Town Clerk , Yvonne Smith has offered to locum until a replacement Clerk is found. The Staffing Committee to progress recruitment.
20. Finance
a) To formally note financial position
It was noted that the bank balances are, Current: ££5,749.03, Reserves: £3,613.91 and
32 day: £22,939.18.
b) To formally note bank reconciliations
Bank reconciliations were noted and signed by Cllr Parker.
c) To note bank transfer from the Reserves account to the Current account of £1,400
It was noted that a bank transfer of £1,400 took place from the Reserves to the Current account.
d) To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made
It was resolved that the following payments be authorised:
02.05.23 Wave water rates DD (under LGA 1972 s.111) £36.50
11.05.23 Coronation expenses (L Corten-Miller) (under LGA 1972 s.145) £63.39
11.05.23 R M Holmes bench maintenance (under Parish Councils Act 1957 s.54) £55
11.05.23 R M Holmes grass maintenance (under Public Health Act 1875 s.164) £22
11.05.23 J Slaymaker Hall Cleaning April (under LGA 1972 s.111) £49.50
11.05.23 LALC Internal Audit fee (under Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 reg.4) £180.00
17.05.23 Eon electricity (under LGA 1972 s.111) £47.67
31.05.23 Salary (under LGA 1972 s.112) £230.88
e) To note any income received since the last meeting
The following income was noted:
05.04.23 Hall Hire Tai Chi £64.00
06.04.23 Precept £5,000
06.04.23 Vat refund £334.14
06.04.23 Hall Hire WI Jan-Mar £54.00
08.04.23 Hall Hire £18.00
11.04.23 Interest Reserves account £2.93
17.04.23 Hall hire £48.00
01.05.23 Hall Hire Comm. Café Apr-June £54.00
30.04.23 Interest 32-day account £32.49
02.05.23 Tai Chi April £64.00
02.05.23 Yoga April £32.00
21. Planning Matters
a) To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting: application reference N/088/00714/23 for Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at 38 Main Road, Hundleby and resolve action
Cllrs were concerned that there appears to be an access issue. Cllrs resolved to submit a response of ‘no objections’ and reference the access issue. The Clerk to contact ELDC.
b) To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
There were no decisions to note.
c) To consider application for tree work received for St Marys Church, Church Lane, Hundleby. Ref: EZY/ 0039/23/TCA and resolve action
Cllrs resolved to submit a response of ‘no objections’ for the tree work application for St Marys. A further tree work application for 37 Main Road Ref: 0041/23/TCA was discussed and Cllrs resolved to submit ‘no comment’. The Clerk to contact ELDC.
22. Village
a) To receive an update on highway matters
Cllr Gray confirmed that the removal of vegetation from the footpath towards Mavis Enderby was on the schedule for the Pride Team. LCC had looked at the water flowing on the Raithby Road and confirmed it is arising from private land. It was decided to include this on next month’s agenda to see if there was any action the Council could take. One of the North Beck Lane signs is on the schedule to be fixed and the other sign will be reported.
b) To receive a report on the King’s Coronation
Cllr Caitlin’s report had been previously circulated. Cllrs agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to people involved in the event. It was suggested that a special packet of wildflower seeds be sent to King Charles.
c) To consider purchasing a flagpole for installation on the village Green and resolve action
It was agreed to defer this item.
d) To consider disposal of redundant material on the allotments and resolve action
It was agreed to obtain costs of a skip that would be placed in Cllr Dales’ yard and a working party formed to move the redundant items.
e) To consider the production and financing of a light informal village newsletter and resolve action
It was agreed to defer this item.
Cllr Corten-Miller left the meeting at 8.34 and Cllr Maddison took the Chair.
23. Parish Rooms
a) To consider the cleaning of the blue upholstered chairs and resolve action
Cllr Tilsley might be able to organise the lending of a machine to clean the chairs. The Council would need to purchase the solution. The Chair volunteered to help with the work. Cllr Tilsley to agree some suitable dates.
b) To receive an update from the Working Party
It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.
c) To consider quotations for the replacement of the rear door and replacement toilet windows and resolve action
It was resolved to use Ambassador Windows to replace the rear door and toilet windows. The Clerk to make contact.
d) To consider hosting a community history event displaying the archive minute books and invite local contributions
Cllrs were keen to organise an event. It was suggested that it could be linked with Lincolnshire Day, 1st October. This will be discussed at the next meeting. It was noted that the Council purchased the Parish Rooms in 1924 (*this was later checked and discovered to be 1925).
24. This agenda item was discussed earlier
25. To receive correspondence and resolve any action required
Information about a Hedgehog Highways Project, Freedom of Information requests for information about the Parish Rooms Feasibility Study (tenders and financial procedures) and financial auditing queries.
26. Clerk and Councillor Reports (for information only)
The Parish Rooms voluntary Bookings Clerk intends to stand down. The metal bench on Raithby Hill has been stolen. The potential allotment tenant is no longer interested. A Grants Policy to be considered at the next meeting.
27. To note the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
It was noted that the next meeting will be Monday 5th June at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 9pm.