April 2023: Minutes of the Meeting

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Minutes of the Hundleby Parish Council Meeting held 3rd April  2023 at 7pm

 in the Parish Rooms


Present:          Cllr Lynette Corten-Miller(Chair)  Cllr Malcolm Dales 

Cllr Jenny Caitlin      Cllr Christine Parker


Members of the Public: 4

Also in attendance: Jane Slaymaker, Parish Clerk


Open Forum for public participation

A member of the public said that they felt there was an increased sense of community and the Parish Council were thanked for their input. A Hundleby Community Facebook page has been set up which will help keep people up to date with local events. QR codes will be displayed on the noticeboards.


  1. To open the meeting

The meeting opened at 7.06pm


  1. To note apologies and accept valid reasons of absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Maddison and Tilsley. These were accepted.


  1. To declare pecuniary interests for any items on the agenda

No interests were declared.


  1. To receive and approve the draft notes of the last meeting

It was resolved to approve the notes of the meeting held on the 6th March 2023 as a true record and the Chair signed the minutes.


  1. To receive reports from the County Councillor and District Councillor

County Cllr Gray had sent his report which was circulated and will be place on the Council’s website. Bridge Street in Horncastle will be closed for 5 weeks from 9th May. Additional information is in the County News publication. Cllr Gray was thanked for his report. Cllr Gray made a note of the collapsing manhole cover outside the old chapel on Main Road.


  1. Finance
    1. To formally note financial position

It was noted that the financial position was, current account: £1,218.80, reserves: £5,008.93 and 32-day interest account: £22,898.56.

  1. To formally note bank reconciliations

Bank reconciliations were noted and signed by Cllr Caitlin

  1. To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments

It was resolved to approve the following payments:

09.03.23          Lymn Roofing patch repairs to Parish Rooms  under Local Government Act 1972 s133  £220.00

22.03.23          Viking Raja Group office supplies under Local Government Act 1972 s111 £25.06

27.03.23          BT DD internet (bill in dispute) £19.57

03.04.23          Spilsby Packaging (J Slaymaker) Coronation bunting under Local Government Act 1972  s145 (1) (e)  £17.50 (from ringfenced Village Events fund)

03.04.23          Atkinson Arb tree work under LGA 1972 s111 £300.00 (£250 ex Vat)

03.04.23          J Slaymaker Hall Cleaning under Local Government Act 1972 s111 £43.08

31.04.23          Salary under Local Government Act 1972 s112 £230.88

03.04.23          Salary - Additional hours (Nov - Mar) 10 hours at £11.63 £116.30

03.04.23          DC Architectural Services Feasibility Study under LGA 1972 s111 £1,400

18.04.23          Eon DD electricity £99.54


  1. To note any income received since the last meeting

The following receipts were noted:

09.03.23    Interest – Reserves acc                       £2.36

12.03.23    Hall hire Feb Tai Chi                            £64.00

13.03.23    ELDC Grant for wifi connection          £200.00

31.03.23    Yoga March                                         £40.00

31.03.23    Interest 32 day interest acc                £33.75


  1. Planning
    1. To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting

No applications had been received.

  1. To note any planning decisions since the last meeting

It was noted that planning section 73 approval had been granted for Hedge House, Main Road  N/088/00109/23,.


  1. To discuss village issues
    1. To receive an update from the Coronation Working Party and resolve action

Cllr Caitlin reported that the notes from the last meeting were available on the website and noticeboards. Everyone contributing was thanked. Any excess wildflower seeds left after they have been given to villagers will possibly be used on the Raithby Hill verge. A quote of £250 had been received for cleaning the fabric chairs in the Parish Rooms. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

A discussion took place about a possible spring on the Raithby Road junction, an overgrown stetch of footpath in that area and roadworks. Cllr Gray offered to find out what was happening and to recommend to the ELDC Pride Team that the footpath is cleared. Cllr Gray confirmed that litter on the roads was the responsibility of LCC Highways.

  1. To discuss the production of a Village Newsletter and resolve action

It was agreed that a village newsletter would be beneficial. Cllr Caitlin offered to write one. It was decided to wait until after the elections in May to distribute a newsletter.

  1. To note emergency tree removal undertaken on the Allotments

It was noted that two trees were removed from the Allotments as they were in a dangerous condition. Cllrs Dale and Maddison were thanked for offering to deal with the brash and logs.


  1. To receive an update from the Parish Rooms Working Party concerning the results of the Feasibility Study undertaken by D.C Architectural Services, Partney and resolve action

The Chair reported that the Parish Rooms Working Party met on 27 March to discuss the results of the Feasibility Study (which will be placed on the website). Option 1. To do nothing, was not an option. Option 2. Remedial works raised several issues which would need further discussion. Option 3 Renovation of the Parish Rooms would address some of the concerns but not alter the parking situation. Option 4. Relocation. This option would also require further discussion and fact finding to establish if it would present a viable option. Further consultation with the village would take place. It was resolved that the Working Party explore option 4 further.


  1. To receive correspondence and resolve action if required

Correspondence from a resident requesting Parish Rooms Working Party notes and further information about the appointment of DC Architectural Services, query about the ownership of the Parish Rooms, information from the Equality Advisory and Support Services with regards to the dog access to the Parish Rooms. The correspondence was noted and the clerk had responded.

Lincolnshire Wolds ANOB leaflet of events.

  1. Clerk and Councillor Reports

Cllr Gray confirmed that the litter dumped on the Allotments had been removed by Platform Housing. Cllr Gray was thanked. The Clerk reported that the wi-fi connection is still outstanding and has been logged as a complaint.

Items for next agenda: Parish Rooms chair cleaning; removal of old wire etc from the  Allotments.


  1. To note the date of the next meeting

The date of the next meeting the Annual Meeting has been changed to Thursday 11th May. The Annual Parish Meeting will be at 6.30pm.


The meeting closed at 8.03pm